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多么讨厌的小男人!What a horrid little man!

别这样使简阿姨讨厌!Don't be so horrid to Aunt Jane!

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我保证再不惹人讨厌。I'll promise never to be horrid again.

女儿说,看看那个可怕的棒槌!Says she, 'look at that horrid mallet!

他和他那一伙可怕的徒众。To mortal men, he with his horrid crew.

我们只得住在一套可怕的小公寓房子里。We had to live in a horrid little flat.

我不打算去参加这次讨厌的宴会。I'm not going to the horrid dinner-party.

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在通向那可怕密地的路上没有脚印。No foot-print leading to that horrid mews.

从保温瓶里倒出来的茶总是很难喝。Tea always tastes horrid out of Thermos flasks.

在可怕的沉寂中,达林太太闻了闻那只盆。In a horrid silence Mrs. Darling smelt the bowl.

这个讨厌透顶的老上校正向一个姑娘送秋波呢。The horrid old Colonel was making sheep's eyes at a girl.

但同时,每一次又都要承受良心上的煎熬。But each time again there was a horrid twinge of conscience.

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我甚至无法想象会有什么恶心的东西从里面出来!I can't even imagine what horrid imitations come out of that!

她的继母和继姐妹对灰姑娘非常憎恶。Her stepmother and stepsisters were very horrid to Cinderella.

如果你发现自己感觉很恐怖的话,跟你的医疗服务提供者谈论下。If you find that you are feeling truly horrid talk to your healthcare provider.

当她后来拿着画册跟着走进来的时候,他说这本书只配给吃奶的小孩子看。Afterwards, when she brought her picture-book, he asked, "What horrid beasts have you there?"

又一项研究揭露全能的肉类产业对待工人是何等恐怖。Yet another study is exposing the horrid treatment of workers by the all-powerful meat industry.

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它用南方田园般的风景衬托树下垂悬的尸体,刻画了一副惊悚的意象。It juxtaposes the horrid image of bodies hanging from trees with a description of the idyllic South.

经过险恶的一年,各家银行纷纷急于摆脱复杂信贷证券的出售和交易业务。After a horrid year, banks are jettisoning businesses that sold and traded complex credit securities.

古怪可怕的冥河船夫努力地划着水,它们超乎寻常的高超技艺胜任这项工作。Horrid and fantastic boatmen called marraenoloths ply its waters, their skills supernaturally competent.