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苏拉特会接受经济移民吗?Would Surat be accepting economic migrants?

很多音流瑜伽传承的人都认为耶稣是一个音流瑜伽的古鲁。Many in the Surat Shabd Yoga tradition regard Jesus as a Satguru.

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警方称在附近的城市苏拉特发现了另外两枚炸弹。Police say two other bombs have been found in the nearby city of Surat.

在巴罗达、巴鲁奇和苏拉特地区也有花生种植。Groundnuts are also cultivated in Vadodara, Bharuch and Surat districts.

苏拉特事件表明,印度在鼠疫控制方面还面临着巨大的任务。The surat episode showed that India still faced formidable task in plague control.

值得注意的是,该报告也将苏拉特和那格浦尔列为2050年发展速度最快的城市。The report also named Surat and Nagpur among the fast-growing cities to watch out for by 2050.

受灾最严重的那空是贪玛叻府死亡15人,素叻他尼府死亡8人,甲米府死亡6人。Most affected is the greedy M Nakhon Ratchasima 15 people dead, Surat Thani 8 deaths, 6 deaths Krabi.

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苏拉特是少数几个被洛克菲勒基金会选中的城市之一,被选中城市可得到该基金会的资助,来研究城市面对气候变化的适应计划。The U.S.-based foundation chose Surat as one of a handful of Asian cities in which to fund adaptation studies.

上图为印度苏拉特市的一个工业区,烟囱和化学品污染的水坑清晰可见。A chimney is reflected in a puddle polluted with chemicals at an industrial area of the western Indian city of Surat.

朱林称,他已知悉洛坤和素叻他尼府有12家医院和公共卫生机构被洪水破坏。Zhu Lin said he is aware Luo Kun, and Surat Thani has 12 hospitals and public health institutions damaged by the flood.

事实上,泰米尔纳德邦的蒂鲁巴和哥印拜陀市正在快速地取代古吉拉特邦的阿默达巴德和苏拉特,成为印度纺织业的中心。In fact, Tirupur and Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu are fast displacing Ahmedabad and Surat in Gujarat as the leading textile centres of India.

很多移民工人从邻国返回到这里,因为他们在那儿找不到工作,既不能在孟买扭钢筋,也不能在苏拉特磨钻石。The villages have welcomed back migrant workers from neighbouring states, where people no longer find work twisting steel in Mumbai or polishing diamonds in Surat.

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声称穆圣在古莱氏人面前诵读星宿章时赞扬了多神教徒的偶像的这段圣训,与古兰经是完全矛盾的。This hadith, which claims that the Prophet praised the polytheists' idols while he was reciting the verses of Surat An-Najm before the Quraish, clearly contradicts the Qur'an.

现在,我开始加一些伊斯兰的条理到我的“日记”里面,我写下了开端的第一节,法谛海与它的译文,我同时也背诵下来了,我这样做并没有任何动机,只是对这对兴趣。By now, I started to add Islamic items to my journal. I was writing the opening Surat Al-Fatiha, and its translation. I also memorized it. I had no motive behind doing so, I was just interested in it.

日本国际协力机构建议,,由于市区不断扩大,苏拉特的高铁车站应该在新址上建设,同时为苏拉特、萨巴尔马提和艾哈迈达巴德高铁车站制定不同的计划。The group has recommended that Surat HSR station be built at a new location because of the expanding urban area while drawing up separate plans for Surat, Sabarmati and Ahmedabad HSR railway stations.