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连花儿都没有。It’s not flowered.

花序通常很少花。Inflorescences often few flowered.

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那件花绸的旗袍还可以穿。You can wear that flowered silk dress.

他的绘画天赋很早就展露出来。His genius as a painter flowered very early.

玫瑰花在这个夏天开得真是分外美丽!That summer the roses flowered in unwonted beauty.

桌上盖着一块有荷叶边和花卉装饰的桌布。The desk was covered with a flounce, flowered cloth.

他们的友谊在他们读大学时已根深蒂固了。Their friendship flowered while they were at college.

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欧洲植物,花黄色,用于饲料。Yellow flowered European lupine cultivated for forage.

牧民过上了好生活,人人心里乐开了花。Herdsmen live a good life for all music flowered in mind.

我们看见流星飞过,看铁树开花。We saw the meteors flew past, saw the sago cycads flowered.

在印加人的统治下,安第斯文明空前发展。Under Inca rule, Andean civilization flowered as never before.

茶叶中的咖啡因花取决于它是如何酿造的。Caffeine in a flowered tea varies depending on how it is brewed.

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茶叶冲泡花最多可能需要最好的结果,一个小时。Brewing flowered tea can take up to an hour for the best results.

那个春天,巴罗如此喜爱的摩瓦树根本就没有开花。That spring the mohwa tree, that Baloo was so fond of, never flowered.

在西汉姆他被认为是一个尚未开放的花蕾。At West Ham he was thought of as the rosebud that never properly flowered.

所以我用甘斯和颜色,当植物种下去还没有开花的时候。So I used gans and color when the plant was plant and had not flowered yet.

她穿着一件休闲的短袖印花圆领衫和一条印着条纹的裙子。She is wearing a casual, short-sleeved flowered T-shirt and a striped skirt.

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那些蚂蚁眼里高大的粉红色花草树木,让森林这把绿伞更加闪亮。High above the ants, pink flowered almendro trees brighten the forest's canopy.

通过统一确定为茶叶和形状一望花茶叶品质。Determine quality of a flowered tea by looking for uniform tea leaves and shape.

在饰有花纹的“工具箱”旁边,是叠得整整齐齐的蓝色牛仔裤和棒球帽。Flowered 'project boxes' sit next to neat stacks of blue jeans and baseball caps.