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朔雪度炎洲。Big snow degree scorching continent.

关关雎鸠,在河之洲。Pass osprey, continent in the river.

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亚洲是地球上最大的洲。Asia is the largest continent on Earth.

俄罗斯横跨欧亚大陆?Russia traverses Europe-Asia continent.

政治家们将在欧洲大陆上来往奔波。Statesmen will crisscross the Continent.

哪一个大陆生产了大部份的可可亚?Which continent produces the most cocoa?

它是世界上最热的洲。It is the hottest continent in the world.

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你被隔断于一个复纯而空无的大陆。You're isolated in avast, empty continent.

你被隔绝于一个宏大而空无的大陆。You're isolated in avast, empty continent.

澳大利亚是世界上最干燥的人类栖息地。It is the world’s driest inhabited continent.

感谢一个充满掠夺和毒品的大陆。Thanks for a continent to despoil and poison.

他的这种惋惜在非洲大陆也有回响。His regret is echoed on the African continent.

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没有哪个大陆的城市化速度快过非洲。NO CONTINENT is urbanising faster than Africa.

欧洲大陆正在流失大量优秀人才。The continent is haemorrhaging its best talent.

知道澳洲也是最小、也是人口最少的一个洲吗?The smallest continent? The least-populated one?

这个夏天,一块神秘的大陆从未踏足。This summer, One secret continent never reached.

要想绿化整个非洲大陆,前路依然漫长。That's still a long way from greening a continent.

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上帝临驾于你之上,展露微笑。The lord lived up thy continent and smile upon you.

远洲异国的水汽,乘风来到这里。Vapours from other continent arrived upon the wind.

从美学的观点来看,那是一个美丽的大陆。From the esthetic view, it was a beautiful continent.