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在国际上还是很有名气的。It's supposed to be very famous internationally.

我们见过这种菌株在国际上传播。We have seen such strains spread internationally.

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公制单位是国际通用的计量单位。Metric unit is a measuring unit used internationally.

打国家和国际的联赛。playing in tournaments nationally and internationally.

这也让我们在国际上发出了示弱的信息。And it also sends a message of weakness internationally.

国际物品编码系统适用于目前国际上使用的所有项目。The EAN system is now used internationally for all items.

国际上进行转基因食品贸易时会发生什么情况?Q11. What happens when GM foods are traded internationally?

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国际上有几种甲型肝炎疫苗。Several hepatitis A vaccines are available internationally.

瑞好是一家定位全球的家族企业。REHAU is a family-owned, internationally positioned company.

爱沙尼亚在1920-1921年是国际公认的国家。Estonia was then recognized internationally in 1920 and 1921.

当然,国际社会中也鲜有适当的公平。Of course, proper justice is hard to come by internationally.

加拿大国际有名的地标为尼加拉瓜大瀑布。One of Canada's Internationally known icon is the Niagra Falls.

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查里。卓别林作为一名性格演员而世界闻名。Charlie Chaplin was internationally famous as a character actor.

哥顿的作品在英国和海外都广泛展出。Gordon has exhibited extensively in Britain and internationally.

章开沅教授是国内著名、国际知名的历史学家。Professor Zhang Kai-yuan is an internationally renowned historian.

因此,“他们没有关于中国的可经国际认可的数据。So "they do not have internationally verifiable numbers for China.

本产品不能因危险品船舶的国际法规。This product cannot ship internationally due to hazmat regulations.

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根据麦克金的报告,地区、国家和国际都需保护海洋。Oceans need to be protected locally, nationally and internationally.

旅游业继续增长一日千里的国际竞争力。The industry continues to grow at a tremendous pace internationally.

加软性饮料口感更佳,可与世界名酒“白兰地”和“威士忌”比美。The taste is like internationally popular wines such as brandy whisky.