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颜色编码电路指示。Colour coded circuit designation.

什么时候可以使用FRM头衔?When can I begin using my FRM Designation?

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只能对字符串做这种指定。Only a string can be given this designation.

空军一号指定机型为VC-25A。The Air Force designation for the aircraft is VC-25A.

“美国军方标准”英文词头缩写。MIL Prefix designation for U. S Military Specifications.

第一种导弹潜艇命名为092型。The first missile submarine was given the designation Type 092.

因此,对其进行科学的设计很有必要。Therefore, it is very necessary to do a scientific designation.

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你把钱打到指定的账户上,会送书上门的。You make money to designation account, can send a book to come.

“计算机自动翻译”或许会好得多。"Automated computer translation" would be a better designation.

该商行与美国一家公司有关系。The name or designation under which a company transacts business.

企业撤销了对套期关系的指定。An enterprise revokes the designation of the hedging relationship.

其一是拉吉夫•古普塔被指定为首席独立董事。One was the designation of Rajiv Gupta as lead independent director.

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巴卡拉指挥官也有数字标识——指挥官1138。Commander Bacara also went by the numerical designation Commander 1138.

赛尔,克隆人编号4477,在战争早期是一名中尉。Thire, clone designation 4477, served as a lieutenant early in the war.

这样也有利于让其他国家发现更多的“地下党”。This may then lead to a designation by one or more Western governments.

会员国之间使用特别提款权可采用协议或指定的办法。Inter-member country use of SDR's may be by agreement or by designation.

CIFA作为法律执行机构的定位并未转移到国家情报局。CIFA's designation as a law enforcement activity did not transfer to DIA.

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CIFA作为法律执行机构的定位并未转移到国家情报局。CIFA’s designation as a law enforcement activity did not transfer to DIA.

这项禁令还冻结了哈姆朔和他的公司在美国的全部资产。The designation also froze any U.S. assets held by Hamsho and his company.

手背是强壮有力的,没有特定的名称。The outside or back of the hand is sinewy, and has no specific designation.