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还是盗尸鬼?Or a ghoul?

他是一个食尸鬼,还是一个吸血鬼呢?Is he a ghoul or a vampire?

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让他的食尸鬼石头删除!To have his ghoul stones removed!

你警觉的身体已经令我变成一个盗墓贼。Your vigilant body turns me into a ghoul.

在另一只手上,食尸鬼总是男性。On the other hand, a ghoul is always male.

这颗星一度被称为尸王星。The star has also been called The Ghoul Star.

那么,食尸鬼侵入之后,自由主义者会怎样呢?And what would liberals do after a ghoul invasion?

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他帮弗雷德和乔治给食尸鬼变了形。He helped Fred and George transform the ghoul. Mum.

陋居的阁楼上有食尸鬼,花园里住着地精。It has a ghoul in the attic and gnomes in the garden.

如果您打破他们,我将会把你成为一个家喻户晓。If you break them, I am going to turn you into a ghoul.

食尸鬼之主的食尸鬼现在会一直存在,直到被杀死或者解散。Master of Ghouls' Ghoul now lasts until killed or similarly dismissed.

当食尸鬼存在时,附近的敌军被持续减速。While the Decaying Ghoul remains alive, nearby enemies continue to be slowed.

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为了要阻止食尸鬼数量的增加,我们要杀了吸血鬼头。To prevent the furfhergrowfh of ghoul numbers we need to destroy the host vampire.

这个团队将到达一个有不祥之兆的地方,和当地的一个以毁坏所有人物品为乐的食尸鬼较量。The team would arrive in a foreboding spot, to take on a local ghoul ruining things for everyone else.

如果有人上门调查,爸爸或妈妈可以让他们看我床上满脸脓疱的食尸鬼。If anyone comes calling to investigate, Mum or Dad can show them the ghoul in my bed, covered in pustules.

有业内消息“龙决”现世,大批盗墓者慕名寻宝。Have the news inside course of study " dragon definitely " disgraced, large quantities of ghoul admire names find treasure.

我摸摸脖子,确实有一条项链,那是自我有记忆开始就一直佩带在身边的,即使我化为了食尸鬼,也没有把它丢弃。I feel neck is indeed a necklace, which is a self-start has been carrying memory card, even to me of Ghoul , it is not discarded.

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的情况下只有一点需要额外的帮助,他们也可以提出一个食尸鬼,协助打架单一的尸体。In situations where only a little additional help is required they can also raise a single corpse as a ghoul to assist in a fight.

也许我们需要注意的是,借助冰链术、死亡之握及食尸鬼晕人,死骑能在相当长一段时间控制对方。It is a possible concern that between Chains of Ice, Death Grip, and the ghoul stun that a death knight can lock someone down for a long time.

“三层楼”,世界第一盗墓大王,暗示的力量,曹操墓,所有这些组成了这个神奇的故事。The "three-floor building", the Number 1 ghoul in the world, the power of suggest, the grave of Caocao, all above made up the supernatural story.