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其前缀,和“怀有二心”一样是“二者”的意思。The prefix, as in "ambidextrous" means "both".

一个开关在棒球击球手应自然怀有二心的。A switch-hitter in baseball should be naturally ambidextrous.

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左右开弓的棒球运动员自然是两手都善用的。A switch-hitter in baseball should be naturally ambidextrous.

我猜地狱男孩的不怀二心,你厚急跳,他与他的左边或右边的手?I guess hell boy's not ambidextrous , do you thick he jerks with his right or left hand?

一段时间都认为,左撇子和左右手都很灵巧的人更容易产生负面情绪。It's been known for some time that lefties and the ambidextrous are more prone to negative emotions.

长久以来,我们认为左撇子和左右手通用的人更容易出现负面情绪。It’s been known for some time that lefties and the ambidextrous are more prone to negative emotions.

其他二战后,用左手写字的总统有杰拉尔德·福特,双手都会写字的罗纳德·里根,老乔治布什和比尔·克林顿。The other postwar lefties -in-chief are Gerald Ford, the ambidextrous Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr and Bill Clinton.

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为了追求独特和别人对我同时使用两只手写字的不允许,我决定选择用左手写字。Following my strong desire for uniqueness, and disallowed from choosing to be ambidextrous , I chose to write with my left hand.

因此,作为将这种悖论进行融合的一种有效途径而提出的二元组织模式,开始引起学术界的关注。As an effective path of integrating these paradoxes, the ambidextrous organization has been deeply concerned by academic circles.

而延续前做特殊专利设计的枪机后定功能,及双边连动保险、双边连动弹匣卡榫等机构也大幅提升整把枪的操控性。The unique patented design such as the Bolt Lock System and functional ambidextrous safety, and magazine catch, upgrade the maneuverability.

美国第20任总统詹姆斯·加菲尔德左右手都很灵活,他还通晓多国语言,这使他可以一只手写希腊文而同时另一只手写拉丁文。Both ambidextrous and multilingual, 20th president of the United States James Garfield could write Greek with one hand while writing Latin with the other.

本文通过对国外相关研究文献的回顾与整理,分析了二元组织模式形成的动因及主要特征。Based on the retrospect and arrangement to the latest literatures domestic and abroad, this paper analyzes the reasons and major characteristics of the ambidextrous organization.

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我们让参与者为同一客户创建广告,在这种情形下,我们将用Ambidextrous设计杂志,并把它用作斯坦福校园内,由学生创办的通用设计标准,有人工作于Ambidextrous吗?We had participants create ads for the same client In this case we used Ambidextrous design magazine as a general design, on Stanford campus, run by students Does anyone work for Ambidextrous?