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他的合作伙伴说他正在压榨他们。His partners say he is ripping them off.

卡车在一条热闹的大街上疾驶而过。The truck is ripping through a busy street.

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简单的撕纸和巧妙地折纸是不同的。Tearing paper is different from ripping paper.

那个家伙在图书馆偷书时被抓住了。He was caught ripping off books from the library.

那家百货店以敲诈顾客而闻名。That store is known for ripping off the customers.

他朝上游走去,边走边脱掉衣服。He wades upstream, ripping his clothes from his body.

这只狗最后扯掉了Emily一大块头皮。The dog ended up ripping off huge chunks of her scalp.

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雌螳螂把雄螳螂的头扯掉是为了过性生活。The female initiates sex by ripping the male’s head off.

我刚刚从杂货店购物回来,心情久久不能平静。I just came back from the grocery store and I’m ripping mad.

我们不能允许犯罪事件将我们撕成碎片。We cannot allow crime to continue ripping us apart, ” she said.

我们家的猫有个坏习惯,就是喜欢在沙发上乱抓。Our cat had a terrible habit of ripping our sofa with his claws.

当他滔滔不绝时,我幻想着战翻他和他的国家。As he talked, I fantasized about ripping into him and his country.

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拔掉他的线的时候告诉他,他将会成为一个真正的男孩,就大功告成了。Tell him that by ripping out his wires he'll become one, job done.

将玻璃体的牵引带切除,或将牵引带剥开。Will vitreous traction with the removal, or traction with ripping.

你有没有收到这种自行车在任何线索翻录没有借口。You have no excuses for not getting this bike ripping on any trail.

我不敢想象奥巴马是靠着削苹果当上总统的。I can’t believe Barack Obama got to be president by ripping off Apple.

有人从她肩上抢走了手提包,还把她的外套扯破。Someone grabbed her pocketbook off her shoulder, ripping her coat open.

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这里有点棘手,不过折下来后,就有装把手的地方了。this was a little tricky but after ripping a few, we got the hang of it.

翻录或撕毁的鼻子是一个孩子的最后一道防线有用的攻击。Ripping or tearing the nose is a useful attack for a child's last defense.

今天我亲眼看到两个女人掐架,掐着掐着把彼此身上的衣服都撕掉了。Today, I witnessed two women in a catfight, ripping clothes off each other.