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它是一本故事书。It's a storybook.

这是他的故事书。This is his storybook.

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这是你的故事书吗?Is this your storybook?

在故事书上的那是什么?What's that on the storybook?

我有一本新的故事书给你。I have a new storybook for you.

好吧,把那本故事书拿过来。Alright, go and get your storybook.

那是一本叙述汤姆?苏儿和我的故事书。Can I have both the storybook and the science book?

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看,这是我的故事书,那是她的抄写本。Look , this is my storybook and that's her copybook.

郭同学一边看小人书一边吃炒粉。Guo eat while watching the picture storybook side starch noodles.

使我惊讶的是这本小说是一个名叫朱迪丝的年青女子写的。To my surprise, the storybook was written by a young girl named Judith.

“这是筹划一本图文并茂的字谜故事书的理想的媒介”他说。"It's an ideal medium to stage an illustrated storybook of puzzles," he says.

“这是筹划一本图文并茂的字谜故事书的理想的媒介”他说。"It's an ideal medium to stage an illustrated storybook of puzzles, " he says.

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故事的图画这么可爱,周老师当然要把它放大让大朋友和小朋友都看见啊!Enlarging those adorable storybook visuals for our kids and parents to have a better look!

菲律宾,孩子们注视着像童话一般的景色,马尼拉湾上的部分日食。Philippines—Children gaze at the storybook sight of a partial solar eclipse over Manila Bay.

吉姆身材瘦长,脸色苍白,看起来不像是那种传奇式的领导者。Exceptionally tall, impossibly thin and white as ghost, Jim does not look like a storybook leader.

随着故事情节的推进,佩德罗在一次事故中被埋进了一处隧道中,于是米娅开始了踏上了寻找父亲的漫漫历程。To that storybook end, Pedro ends up buried in a tunnel, and Mia embarks on a journey to find him.

我觉得自己像故事书中的爱丽丝一样,一下子长得那么大,胳膊都从小房子窗户里撑出来了。I felt a bit like the storybook Alice after she had grown so large her arm poked out the cottage window.

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还有就是,有一座用故事书建造的住宅,看上去就像是从一个16世纪的德国村子翻版出来的。Then there's the Storybook house that looks like it was transplanted from a 16th-century German village.

藤萝蔓生,荫蔽幽暗,充满秘密,正如一本旧式故事书里的可怕怪物会居住的巢穴。Shaggy with ivy and dark and secret-looking, it is just the lair you'd choose for a mean old storybook monster.

卢塞恩四周环绕着风景优美的群山,坐落在罗伊斯河的两岸,因其充满童话色彩的魅力而深受游人喜爱。Encircled by a photogenic range of mountains and bisected by the River Reuss, Lucerne is beloved for its storybook charm.