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那匹马的鬃稀。The horse has a thin mane.

牠鬃毛和尾巴扎辫子。His mane and tail are braided.

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他有一头长而厚密的白发。He had a mane of thick white hair.

奶奶有一头密密的长头发。Grandma has a mane of thick white hair.

现在我只可以精益对他的鬃毛。Now I could only lean against his mane.

看着清风吹拂她的鬃毛和尾须and watch the wind blow her mane and tail

一只狮鬃水母正在棕藻叶上休憩。A lion's mane jellyfish nestled in a kelp frond.

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鬃毛和饰毛的毛发都非常丰富。The coat is very abundant on the mane and frill.

小矮马体重增加,她认为鬃毛梳子。The little pony gained weight, her mane felt a comb.

你额头上为什么披着一团马鬃一样的头发。And why have you got that mane of hair on your forehead.

谁又赋予了雄狮鬃?Who let the lions have the mane instead of the lionesses?

街垒出现了人在上面竞相攀登的场面,它有着一簇象鬃毛样披散的火光。The barricade once scaled had a mane of lightning flashes.

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有鬃毛和长长马一样鼻子的那就是小马驹秋千了。It has a mane and long horsey nose — must be a horse swing.

但是和狮鬃水母比起来,它们只能算小儿科。But they are petite compared with the lion’s mane jellyfish.

同样,水中的狮子也甩了甩头上的鬃毛露出了牙齿。And the lion in the water shook his mane and showed his teeth.

该鬃毛和尾巴应该是厚和充分,但罚款和手感柔软。The mane and tail should be thick and full, but fine and soft.

我梦见棕色的骏马,发亮的鬈毛在风中飞扬。I dreamed of a chestnut steed tossing its glossy mane in the wind.

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有丰厚的鬃毛和饰毛,而且雄性更为明显。Mane and frill should be abundant, and particularly impressive in males.

当他看见了他,狮子发出怒吼声,甩了甩他头上的鬃毛、露出牙齿。When he saw that, the Lion roared and shook his mane and showed his teeth.

在巴西利亚,工人们正在重建加林查体育场。Employees work on the reconstruction of Mane Garrincha stadium in Brasilia.