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小毛驴在那里?Where is donkey?

驴和母马交配。A donkey mate with a mare.

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小毛驴,小毛驴,我求求你。Donkey, donkey. I beg you.

路,看农尔毛驴田里。Gimbel's donkey in a field.

他简直像头驴一样倔。He is stubborn as a donkey.

那头驴突然叫起来了。The donkey brayed suddenly.

但你可以骑着我们的小毛驴去。But you can ride our donkey.

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在这个地方,驴车是很常见的,但是这辆驴车却不同。Donkey carts are common here.

他像驴子一样倔强。He is as stubborn as a donkey.

是一头十分悲观的驴子。Eeyore is a pessimistic donkey.

整天工作,任劳任怨像头驴儿I work all the day like a donkey

西安哪家驴肉火烧好吃?Which Donkey in Xi'an fire good?

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桑科在后面骑在驴子上。Sancho rode behind on his donkey.

小毛驴用刀和叉吃饭。Me donkey eat with a knife and fork.

在大金刚之前到达终点!Reach the finish before Donkey Kong!

这头驴嘶叫着试图脱缰而逃。The donkey brayed and tried to bolt.

你能用一个字母把“驴子”拼出来吗?。Can you spell donkey with one letter?

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你能用一个字母把“驴子”拼出来吗?Dan you spell donkey with one letter?

一个骆马和驴子骨头的墓地!A graveyard of llama and donkey bones!

父亲严厉地斥骂着。The father scolded the donkey sternly.