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马基雅维利是一位马基雅维利主义者吗?,我们。Was Machiavelli a Machiavellian? Let's see.

这就形成了权谋文化的虚伪性。This forms the hypocrisy of Machiavellian culture.

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这是最最狡猾的金融创新。That is financial engineering at its most Machiavellian.

权谋与操控,阴影议员常常是恶毒的。Machiavellian and manipulative , the lords are often maligned.

权谋文化的虚伪性。The third part discloses the hypocrisy of Machiavellian culture.

这看似且就是,清楚地表述了,十足马奇亚维利式的权力政治。This seems to be and is, clearly, a kind of classic statement of sheer Machiavellian power politics.

甚且在儒家文化氛围内的政治人物,难道就不懂玩弄马基维利式的权术吗?Do political figures from Confucian cultures not know how to utilize Machiavellian political tactics?

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对这种环境的分析,可以找到权谋文化赖以存在的文化合理性。Through analyzing the cultural context, we can find the cultural rationality of Machiavellian culture.

马奇亚维利式的美德模范,是文艺复兴时期的政治家,总的来说,即。The model of Machiavellian virtu is the Renaissance statesman, Cesare Borgia in general, Cesare Borgia.

所有的政治都是活在枪杆子下“,这是二十世纪一位著名,马奇亚维利派学者的解译。"All politics grows out of the barrel of a gun," as a famous twentieth-century Machiavellian once put it.

无论如何,够得上马基雅维里的标准的政治领袖,对此类问题必定避而不答,同时会公开谴责。At any rate, that is a question the truly Machiavellian leader would decline to answer and publicly condemn.

而蒋是一个思想混乱的马基雅维里式的人物,但却没有这位意大利人的明确思想和高明策略。Chiang was a confused Machiavellian with none of the clarity of thought or well-conceived tactical principles of the Italian.

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她继承了大量财富,因而成为马茨伏莲安计划的攻击目标,被两名移居海外的美国人盯上。She inherits a large amount of money and subsequently becomes the victim of Machiavellian scheming by two American expatriates.

“如同马基维利”意味将邪恶的意图隐藏在合理面具下的狡猾阴谋家。To be "Machiavellian" came to mean to be a sly schemer, one who hides his evil intentions behind the mask of executive necessity.

民族主义右翼对他同情中国感到愤怒,左翼则害怕并且不信任他的政治谋略。The nationalist right rages about his pro-China sympathies. The left of his own party fears and distrusts his Machiavellian skills.

这之中也许有更多尼采的成份,而非马奇亚维利,但我认为马奇亚维利式的言外之意,是非常明显的。There might be a little more of Nietzsche suggested in that, than Machiavelli, but I think the Machiavellian overtones are very evident.

在反对者眼中,他是一个贪污腐败,残酷无情,玩弄权术的民粹主义政客,是媒介自由传播的公敌。To his detractors, Nikola Gruevski, who was confirmed as prime minister for a third term on July 28th, is corrupt, a populist, a ruthless Machiavellian and an enemy of a free media.

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换句话说并非罗伦佐,而是那些已经或将会,透过其欺诈手段,获得职权的君王,透过其武力或,Virtu,夺权的君王,这是马奇亚维利著名的词汇,我稍后会谈到。In other words, not Lorenzo at all, but precisely princes who have or will achieve their authority through their own guile, their own force, or their own virtu, to use the famous Machiavellian term that I want to talk about later.