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她的工作跟招聘人才有关。She works in recruitment.

我认为招聘是也是一种形式的跟踪。Recruitment is a form of stalking, I suppose.

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改良叹气法是肺复张的一种方法。Modified sigh is a kind of recruitment maneuvers.

是否达到延揽预期目标?Has the expected goal of recruitment been achieved?

先诚招各区代理,共同合作。Recruitment agency first district, to work together.

你有没有透过招聘网站揾工?Did you look for jobs via online recruitment portals?

所有参加招新的女生都过去,And then all the girls going through recruitment come,

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如果这种战争不停止,儿童参军的现象将永无终结之日。Until they stop, the recruitment of children never will.

制弓作坊允许训练基本的远程部队。Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.

采用拍卖理论讨论了选拔性考试的几个基本问题。We use the auction theory to discuss the recruitment exam.

我们有招新活动,向所有麻省理工的女生开放。we have recruitment. And that's opened to all girls in MIT.

北京外企人力资源服务有限公司为北京奥组委的代理商。The city's recruitment company, FESCO is the agent to BOCOG.

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现诚招全国各地代理商、经销商加盟。Recruitment agents are all over the country, dealers to join.

汕头求职招聘成功率最高的招聘网!The highest success rate in Shantou Jobs recruitment network!

历史上,义务兵一直是解放军的中流砥柱。Historically, conscription was the mainstay of PLA recruitment.

教开网店、诚招代办、出卖开店软件。Taught to open shop, Recruitment agency, selling shop software.

另外,本公司诚招中国区域的品牌代理商。In addition, the company's brand of Regional Recruitment agents.

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施维雅中国2012校园招聘宣讲会火热进行中!Servier China 2012 Campus recruitment is fervent in undertaking!

我们也选择了来自SAP的招聘过程电子招聘。We also chose e-recruiting from SAP for the recruitment process.

北京奥组委的志愿者招募工作将于2008年5月底截止。BOCOG will finalize the recruitment drive by the end of May 2008.