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所以如果出现抛压,就能将现金重新投资到有关类股中.So if there is a sell-off, we can reallocate that cash into the relevant sectors.

这些产品可以对市场信号作出反应,当市场波动增加时,可以重新自动防范风险。These can respond to market signals to reallocate exposures automatically as volatility rises.

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他们可以节省可观的金钱,从而将这些钱用于训练有素的分析人员上,后者可以将这些数据变得更有价值。They can save tremendous amounts of money and reallocate those funds to skilled analysts who can help make the data actionable.

对于较小的任务,团队能更好地计划版本内容,还能在任务发生意外的情况下重新分配资源。With smaller tasks, the team was better able to plan release content, as well as reallocate resources in the event that tasks slipped.

首先是重建分成比例,要求媒体降低折扣,然后向广告主索要更高的服务费。For one thing, they would reallocate profit ratio and require media to reduce discounts, and then ask advertisers for higher service charges.

瑜伽体式由一些简单有效的身体动作组成,这些动作加强人的背部,调节胃部肌肉,重新分配身体的重量。Yoga comprises of some simple and effective body movements, which strengthen one's back, tones the stomach muscles, and reallocate body weight.

每一时段开始五分钟后,如无车进入赛道试车,赛车场有权另行安排。If no one reports to use the track 5 minutes after scheduled start time of a session, ZIC reserves the fights to reallocate the use of the track.

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如果没有足够的时间来进行测试,则首先要重新分配在需求文档中编写客户测试所投入的精力。If there is not enough time for testing, the first thing to do is reallocate the effort used in requirements documentation to writing customer tests.

事实上,有许多的多年生植物体积都比一年生植物来得大,让育种学家有更多的机会,能将植物生长重新导向种子的制造上。In fact, many perennials, which are larger overall than annuals , offer more potential for breeders to reallocate vegetative growth to seed production.

在热火朝天的交易日,很容易会感觉到重新分配资产的压力,要么是加入一时的热潮中,要么是抛售现有的资产。In the heat of the trading day, it's very easy to feel pressured to reallocate assets, either to jump on momentarily hot trend or dump existing holdings.

dtm重新分配信道的能力加上按需分配带宽,使之提供的流量管理功能可与atm网相媲美。Together with DTM's ability to reallocate channel and on-demand bandwidth, this provides traffic-engineering capability equivalent to that of ATM networks.

我只是相信,酒店业者需要把所有的酒店成本都计算在内,并且尽可能把资金重新分配到可以为酒店带来更多收入的渠道上。I just believe that hoteliers need to factor in all of their costs and, where possible, reallocate those funds to channels that drive more revenue to their hotels.

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一旦要处理紧急事项的时候,将它们分解为行动步骤,处理完成后马上带动自己重新分配好精力。When it comes to addressing urgent items, break them down into Action Steps and challenge yourself to reallocate your energy as soon as the Action Steps are completed.

只有客户组织中的资源掌控者--高级主管,一般负有资产损益责任--才能重新分配资源,从而为厂商的提议留出预算。Only the resource owners in the client organization—senior executives, typically with P&L responsibilities—can reallocate resources to create the budget for the vendor’s offering.

例如,如果亚特兰蒂斯的科学家们去年发表了800篇优秀论文,但我们预期他们能发表1000篇,我们就可以认为亚特兰蒂斯表现不够好,下一年就要调拨资金到另一个表现更好的城市。For example, if Atlantis produced 800 excellent papers last year, but we expected 1,000, we might consider Atlantis under-performing and reallocate funds to a better city next year.

刘晏盐法下政府与商人的合作实际上是一次产权的重新划分与财富的重新分配,这次改革造成了商人阶层的分裂和财富占有的两极分化。Under the salt reformation by Liu Yan in the Tang Dynasty, the cooperation be tween the government and the businessmen was actually to redivide property rights and to reallocate wealth.

对此,鸠山政府宣称强势日圆有益日本,因为它有助于“资源重配”---从出口商移至国内服务业。In response, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's government has argued that a strong yen could be good for Japan because it should help reallocate resources away from exporters to domestic services.

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这样使得消费者以极高代价去重新分配其用花在产品信息上的时间,其重新分配的成本比政府管制的成本还要大。It would force consumers with high time costs to reallocate high-value time to the study of consumer products, at a cost and a cost of this reallocation that might exceed the cost of regulation.

由于我们的若干商店最近绘画的销量下降,所有的店主都应该重新安排货架空间,把绘画的货架用于展示陶器。Since several of our stores have recently experienced a decrease in sales of painting supplies, all store managers should reallocate shelf space from the painting area for the display of pottery.