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而且这种不适感如影随形,与我们每个人亦步亦趋。And this kind of uncomfortableness associates and follows everyone of us closely.

独特的植物配方可缓解眼部不适,预防眼袋及细纹产生。The unique plant formula can soothe the uncomfortableness of eye skin and prevent eye bag and wrinkles.

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缓解皮肤粗糙等不适,令肤色均匀,提高肌肤弹性。It can ease the uncomfortableness induced by rough skin, etc, even skin tone and improve the skin flexibility.

时常能闻到一些怪味道,也有头晕、恶心、眼睛不舒服的状况。Some odd smells are full of the room, which lead to the swirl, nausea, and even the uncomfortableness of eyes.

症状以黄疸、乏力为主,伴有消瘦、皮肤瘙痒、发热和上腹不适症状。Jaundice and fatigue were two symptoms most frequently seen, followed by weight loss, pruritus, fever and abdominal uncomfortableness.

虽然感觉很糟糕,但是这种不舒适性却是一个极好的,让人们开始去寻找到一个具有真正重要意义的人生会带来多么好感觉的激励。This feels awful, but the uncomfortableness is a wonderful incentive to begin finding out how good a life of real significance can feel.

随着收入水平的提高和闲暇时间的增加,越来越多的城市居民开始用外出旅游的方式来逃避惯常环境所带来的不适。With the increasing of income and leisure time, more and more urban residents choose traveling to escape from the uncomfortableness of the usual environment.

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在卡斯楚区生活,最艰难的部分就是感觉工作过量,总有点不舒服的感觉。The hardest part about living in the Castro, i think, would have to be, uh just always feeling outnumbered. There's always still that bit of uncomfortableness.

除可赋予座圈一定温度以解决其冰凉不适感外,还具有很好的装饰效果。The utility model has a good decorative effect except that the utility model can endow certain temperature to the seat ring to resolve uncomfortableness of cool.

此外,常用之灌肠侵入性处理方式,不仅会造成老人的不舒适感,亦会造成大肠穿孔等严重伤害,因此老人便秘宜考虑非药物之治疗方式。Use of enema may cause uncomfortableness and the trauma of colon perforation. Thus, non-pharmacological therapy may be better for older persons with constipation.

适合各种肤质,能有效缓解各种皮肤不适,是养颜护肤、居家、旅行必备的天然佳品。This product is suitable to all kinds of skin, ease all kinds of skin uncomfortableness. It's the best choice for skin beautifying, conditioning, household and tourism using.