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另外一个问题是雨季。Another problem is the monsoon.

它是亚热带温润季风气候。It's Subropical moist monsoon climate.

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属亚热带季风湿润气候区。A subtropical humid monsoon climate zone.

今年季雨降雨开始得早。The monsoon rains started early this year.

全县气候属中亚热带季风气候。County's climate is subtropical monsoon climate.

你会否留意香港天文台的强烈季候风信号?Do you pay attention to the strong monsoon signal?

今年脆弱的雨季也对产量产生了影响。A weak monsoon also threatens this year's production.

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用IAP九层大气环流模式模拟了全球季风系统。The global monsoon system is simulated by IAP 9L AGCM.

通常,再东北季风控制下晴空万里。Normaly, the skies are clear during the north east monsoon.

天文台发出了机场天气警报和强烈季候风信号。Aerodrome Warning and the Strong Monsoon Signal were issued.

柚木生长于缅甸、印度、泰国等季风雨林地区。Teak growing in monsoon forest in Burma, India and Thailand.

目前我们知道季风会影响侵蚀作用。We know that erosion occurs in response to the monsoon today.

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另外,也讨论了高原季风的问题。In addition, the problem of Plateau monsoon is discussed, too.

每年赶在季风季节前,苏拉特已作好行动计划。Every year, an action plan is prepared ahead of monsoon season.

季风,指冬季风和夏季风的影响。Monsoon, referring to the winter winds and summer monsoon impact.

雨季推迟了一个月,接着便不停地下倾盆大雨。The monsoon held off for a month, then the rain fell in torrents.

一股微弱的东北季候风会在下周初抵达华南。A weak northeast monsoon will reach southern China early next week.

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每年季风雨一到,就会引发庞大的自然现象。Every year the monsoon rains trigger an enormous natural phenomenon.

莱韦尔曼的研究表明,季风系统会扩大自己的影响力。Levermann’s studies suggest that monsoon systems amplify themselves.

本区气候属于暖温带半湿润季风型大陆性气候。The climate is sub-humid warm temperate continental monsoon climate.