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而该植物油可以用来治疗耳朵的感染。Mullein oil can be used to treat ear infections.

对于调理内分泌系统,特别是甲状腺。Mullein is a great herb for the endocrine glandular system especially the thyroid.

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女人们用毛蕊花来提亮她们的金发。Women used mullein flowers in order to bring out the golden highlights in their hair.

Planetaryr的毛蕊花护肺复合片是棒极了的产品,我有哮喘,每天要服用Singulair来控制。Planetary Mullein Lung Complex is a WONDERFUL product. I have asthma and take Singulair daily to control it.

他连系了额外的北美经典草药,比如土木香,苦薄荷,牛膝草,毛蕊花。It is combined with additional North American classic herbs such as elecampane, horehound, hyssop, and mullein.

我并不比一朵毛蕊花或牧场上的一朵蒲公英寂寞,我不比一张豆叶,一枝酢酱草,或一只马蝇,或一只大黄蜂更孤独。I am no more lonely than a single mullein or dandelion in a pasture, or a bean leaf, or sorrel , or a horse-fly, or a bumblebee.

于是开始用毛蕊花复合片,两次服用后,呼吸不那么喘了也能脱离吸入器。I starting taking Mullein Lung Complex and within two doses I was breathing without gasping for air and was able to quit the inhaler.

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同样的是,玫瑰,甘草,滑榆树,辣椒,茶等对感冒和咳嗽等症状有减轻和舒缓的作用。The same is true of rose hips, licorice, slippery elm, capsicum, or mullein teas taken to alleviate some of the symptoms of colds and coughs.

我以前总是受到支气管毛病的困扰,但是自从在感冒初期服用这款超级的毛蕊花护肺复合片后,支气管的毛病再也没有发生。I used to suffer from bronchial problems but now I can take this super Mullein Lung Complex at the beginning of a cold and bronchial problems do not develop.

橄榄油、小麦胚芽油、蜂蜡、蜂蜜、紫草根、白栎树皮、毛蕊草、黑胡桃叶、蜀葵根、艾草叶、石渣根、黄岑叶和半边莲的叶片。Olive oil, wheat germ oil, beeswax, honey, comfrey root, white oak bark, mullein leaf, black walnut leaf, marshmallow root, wormwood leaf, gravel root, scullcap leaf and lobelia leaf.