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欺骗式的距离拖引干扰是一种常用的危害性较大的有源干扰方式。RGPO is a kind of widely used active jamming with greater harmfulness.

坚持行为杜会危害性判断的客观性,意义重大。It is significant to objectively judge the actions' social harmfulness.

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其专权乱政危害程度是古代历史上少有的。The harmfulness of eunuch to political chaos is rare in ancient history.

我们无法估量噪音会给我们造成多大的伤害。We could not measure how bad of the harmfulness caused by the noisiness.

只有社会危害性程度才能作为法定刑的设定根据。Only the level of social harmfulness can be the basis of statutory sentence.

这类向内、向外的伤害在人类历史上起源自哪儿呢?Where did such outward and inward harmfulness originate from in human history?

无意识的伤害正是藉由诱惑行为而犯下的。It is through the act of seduction that unconscious harmfulness is perpetrated.

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行为具有有体性、有意性、有害性和违法性四个特征。Act has four characters of corporeality, intention, harmfulness and illegitimacy.

当人格被完全释放,此类伤害与它一起停止。As the personality is released altogether, such harmfulness ceases along with it.

从4个方面论述了杨树烂皮病的发生规律及危害性。It is discussed the occurrence and harmfulness of valsa sordida of poplar in 4 aspects.

宁东煤田采煤地质灾害损害程度分析与风险评价研究。Analyzing harmfulness degree of the hazard and evaluating the risk of the hazards' damage.

这是人类的天性,相信自己如天使般没有任何伤害,而只有别人是邪恶、伤害性的。It is human nature to believe oneself angelic and beyond harmfulness and others evil or harmful.

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有人在报刊上写文章讲吸烟有害,我认为,这是危言耸听,有逆反心理。Some people dwelled on the harmfulness of smoking in articles published in newspaper or magazines.

结论乳腺疾病是育妇女的一种常见病,病率高,危害性大。Conclusion mammary gland disease is a common women of childbearing age, a high incidence, harmfulness.

消除畜舍有害气体和臭味,减少苍蝇,改善生产环境。Allayment the harmfulness gas of barn and odor, decrement the fly, improvement the produce environment.

本文指出了自我报告法中项目前后关系效应的普遍存在性及其危害性。The author presents generalization and harmfulness of item context effects in the self-report measurements.

草鱼细菌性烂鳃病是一种危害严重的常见鱼病。The bacterial gill-rot disease is a common disease of grass carp, it makes serious harmfulness to the fish.

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卖官鬻爵是一种典型的腐败现象,它的危害性是一切腐败现象中最大的。Selling official posts and titles is a typical corrupt phenomenon. Its harmfulness is the most terrible of all.

赌博具有社会危害性,国家公权力必须进行干预,对具有严重社会危害性的行为给予刑事裁制。As the social harmfulness of gambling, the public power must interfere and punish such serious harmful behavior.

对内指向的伤害如果没被改变,将随时间过去导致形态的疾病。It is inner-directed harmfulness that will lead to disease of the human form over time if it is not transcended.