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给你的Flickr照片加标签和分类Tagging and grouping your Flickr photos

你也可以使用附加组。You can also use parenthetical grouping.

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这些因素使IGF成为一个不寻常组织。All this makes the IGF an unusual grouping.

第一组是夫妇的关系。The first grouping is the couple's relationship.

用分组法来帮助眼睛找到该关注的地方。Use grouping to help focus where the eye should look.

选用分组算法实现排课表。Selecting the Grouping algorithm to solve timetabling.

关于分组还有很多其他技巧和技术。There are many other tips and techniques for grouping.

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很难按照测试步骤组织脚本。It's hard to organize scripts by grouping testing steps.

采用拔杆分组机构,效率高。Adopting button pole grouping Mechanism, high efficiency.

图五、牡蛎壳影像数位测量法之像素分群。Fig. 5 . Pixel grouping of the digital chambering method.

每块记忆材料是由一些零散孤立的信息所组成的。Chunking consists of grouping separate bits of information.

相反,我正在谈论的是将相似的任务分组。Instead, I am talking about grouping similar tasks together.

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使用这种方法时,就不可能对属性进行分组。With this approach, grouping on an attribute is not possible.

完全用户可定义的分类和分组活动。Fully user-definable categorization and grouping of activities.

这次重新编班,意味着每个班的人数增多了。The new grouping of classes means larger numbers in each class.

用户定义文章分类,可以容易地进行分组和整理。User-definable article categories for easy grouping and retrieval.

这些小国家是欧盟中的一个重要小集团。These small nations constitute an important grouping within the EU.

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有一些范围对分组目的来说似乎是很正常的。There are some scopes that seem to be natural for grouping purposes.

研究大鼠亚慢性试验随机分组方法。To introduce a stochastic grouping method for subchronic test of rats.

大多数线间的电磁耦合发生在同一线束的电线、电缆之间。Grouping of wire cables and minimum space between groups are presented.