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ZoneAlarm是一个很好的免费防火墙。A good free firewall is ZoneAlarm.

更改虚拟机监控程序防火墙规则Altering hypervisor firewall rules

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但是,防火墙还是有颇多漏洞的。The Great Firewall has plenty of holes.

什么红伞版本包含有防火墙?Which AntiVir version contains a Firewall?

断开在隔火壁上的车体接地。Disconnect the body ground at the firewall.

配置一个防火墙的关键有两个The key to configuring a firewall is twofold

防火墙就象是城堡边上的护城河。A firewall is like the moat surrounding a castle.

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您不要在自己家里这么去尝试,因为我的防火墙会挡住您。Don't try this at home -- my firewall will block you.

需要解锁或接受任何防火墙提示。You’ll need to Unblock or Accept any firewall prompts.

信息包过滤防火墙工作在网络层。A packet-filtering firewall works at the network level.

防火墙现在弄好了,敲下回车确认配置完成。The firewall is now active. Hit Return to finish setup.

防火墙对于所有新创建的链接也都处于激活状态。Any new connection created also has the firewall enabled.

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使用反病毒、反间谍软件以及防火墙。Use anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and a firewall.

当今的中国网络防火墙不再是不透水的屏障。The Great Firewall is hardly an impermeable barrier these days.

安全交换机防火墙也是该体系结构的安全增强点。The firewall of the security switch is the intensifier of PCSS.

今天来看,曾大肆吹捧的“防火墙”也不过如此。Today's much-ballyhooed "firewall" is not nearly strong enough.

为了完成所需的设置,必须了解您的防火墙的工作方式。You must know how your firewall works to do the required setup.

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因而,他对那些在防火墙后面部署软件的公司持谨慎态度。Thus, he is wary of any venture that deploys behind the firewall.

来电防火墙、短信防火墙及防盗追踪。Incoming call firewall , message firewall and anti-theft tracking.

研究了基于HTTP隧道的防火墙穿透通信技术。Reasearch the firewall penetrating technology based on HTTP-tunnel.