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他们能设想自己做到马云所做的。They can conceivably see themselves doing what he has done.

大猩猩的粪便说不定或许正是地球的大救星。Gorilla dung could conceivably be the salvation of the planet.

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这些基因中有任一的缺陷都有可能导致孤独症的症状。Defects in any number of them could conceivably result in some symptoms of autism.

如果扣环没有位移子弹会堵塞在枪桶里。If that retaining ring is misaligned, a bullet could conceivably jam in the barrel.

该系统还要运载一枚中等当量的核弹头或者叫“脏弹”。The system could conceivably also deliver a modest nuclear warhead or ‘dirty bomb’.

比奇洛说,可以想象,中国随后就可以坚持为月球上的特权收费。China could then conceivably insist on being paid for lunar concessions, Bigelow said.

它能够可靠地在任何地方发挥作用,也可以在任何可工作的平台上使用,例如智能手机或平板。It can conceivably be put to use anywhere—or anywhere a smartphone or tablet can work.

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这种情况下,移动云会理所当然地增强访问控制规则的实施。In this case, the mobile cloud conceivably can enhance enforcement of access control rules.

即使有回应,那些看上去吸引过我们眼球的狗儿也都已经不在了。When they were, the dogs that conceivably might have attracted our attention were already gone.

大师声称,他有一本包罗人们所能想象到的关于上帝知识的书。The Master claimed he had a book that contained everything one could conceivably know about God.

被我们找到的少数正向发现,想来只是反映了自我评估法的偏差。The few positive findings we unearthed could conceivably reflect nothing more than self-report bias.

此外,很可能需要几个月甚至几年才能完整地采用社交网络工具。Beyond that, it could conceivably be several months or years for full adoption of social networking tools.

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因此,玩家可能会在卡西克、塔图因、马南或科里班遭遇并击败班登。As such, the players could conceivably encounter and defeat Bandon on Kashyyyk, Tatooine, Manaan or Korriban.

我们多数的开发人员在他们拥有一个能够被测试的软件单元不久就开始编写单元测试。Most of our developers started writing unit tests as soon they had a software unit that could conceivably be tested.

即使是击退带来的怒气降低公式也可以通过测试得出,前提是可以精确的监控仇恨值。Even formulas for threat-reducing knockbacks can conceivably be worked out, if threat values are carefully monitored.

恐怖份子攻击或许会使储存桶破裂,但里面的物质依然是固体,不容易移动太远。A terrorist attack could conceivably breach a cask, but the material inside is still a solid and is unlikely to go far.

机枪、轻机枪或除去底盘的轻迫击炮都能可靠地完成这种打了就跑的任务。Such hit-and-run missions conceivably could be done either with machine guns, BARS, or light mortars minus base plates.

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在机场的秘密位置,人们在检验口或入境处可以理解地接受初次测试。In a covert situation at an airport, people could conceivably undergo the initial assessment at check-in or immigration.

如果中国处理的好的话,将来美国说不定要依靠中国的新型科技。If China works it well, the United States could conceivably become dependent on China for next-generation new technology.

他可能为道德问题所困扰,无论竞选捐款丑闻还是白水门事件,甚至他妻子的信誉。He may be beset by ethical problems, whether over campaign finance or Whitewater indictments, even conceivably of his wife.