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“你一定是一个工程师”,热气球上的人说。You must be an engineer" says the balloonist.

“你必定是个工程设计师,”气球上的男人说。"You must be an engineer," said the balloonist.

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“你一定是个工程师。”气球驾驶者说。"You must be an engineer", said the balloonist.

“你肯定是个工程师,”气球里的那个男子说。"You must be an engineer, " said the balloonist.

该名气球驾驶员喜欢把深海潜泳当做嗜好。The balloonist liked to deep sea dive as a hobby.

“你一定是会计,”这位热气球驾驶者说道。You must be an Accountant, ' said the balloonist.

“你一定是一位工程师。、”气球驾驶者道。"You must be an engineer, " replied the balloonist.

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有人告诉你那个热气球飞行家已经来了吗?Did someone tell you that the balloonist has arrived?

“是的,”乘气球升空者说,“可你是怎么知道的?”"I am", replied the balloonist , "but how did you know?

“你准是搞信息技术的吧。”驾气球的说。"You must work in Information Technology, " says the balloonist.

你一定是在信息技术部门工作。驾气球的人说。“You must work in Information Technology ,” says the balloonist.

第一个降落伞是法国气球驾驶员让·皮埃尔·弗朗西科·布朗沙尔制造的。The first parachute was built by a French balloonist , Jean Pierre Francois Blanchard.

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“嗯”,气球驾驶者回答道,“你告诉我的一切从技术上说是正确的,但对我来说一点没用。"Well, " the balloonist said, "everything you have told me is technically correct, but it's of absolutely no use to me.

热气球环游世界爱好者伯特兰·皮卡德领导该项目,并打算和共同创始人安德烈·波斯贝格一起控制该飞机。Round-the-world balloonist Bertrand Piccard is leading the project and intends to pilot the plane along with co-founder Andre Borschberg.

1793年气球驾驶者在那天经历了一些不确定的天气,来自各方向的云雾。Even the balloonist in 1793 experienced someone uncertain weather that day, there were clouds, fog, and mist in variestvarious derectionsdirections.

“哦,”乘气球升空者说,“你告诉我的每一个数据从技术上讲都是对的,可我还是不太明白你的意思,事实上我还是搞不清楚方向。"Well", answered the balloonist , "everything you told me is technically correct, but i still have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is i am still lost.

美国南北战争期间,1862年5月31日至6月1日的费尔奥克斯战役在弗吉尼亚爆发,气球驾驶员仁撒迪厄斯·劳在侦察南方活动的过程中死在这个“无畏号”上。Balloonist Thaddeus Lowe goes aloft aboard the Intrepid to observe Confederate activity during the Civil War Battle of Fair Oaks, which took place in Virginia from May 31 to June 1, 1862.