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他们是截肢,往往描绘成眼镜蛇样的运动。They are limbless and often depicted as cobra-like in movement.

现在,这个25岁的失去手足的年轻人所玩完成的事情要比很多年龄时他二倍的人还多。Now at 25 years old this limbless young man has accomplished more than most people even twice his age.

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这也能解释为什么人类再没有尾巴,鸟类和龟类不再长牙齿,蛇也不再长脚。It’s one explanation for why humans no longer have tails, birds and turtles are toothless and snakes have stayed limbless.

随着新的鲸鱼化石的发现,科学家们也是在最近,才得以研究无肢游行消耗的能量。With the new discovery of whale fossils, scientists have only recently been able to study the efficiency of limbless swimming.

我们的工作人员还与残疾协会合作,开展了一系列专门为残疾人士服务的训练课程。Our staff also deliver a number of specialist disability coaching programmes, working in association with the Limbless Association.

马将充斥爆炸的地域引入到他的故事当中,比如在医疗营难忘而痛苦的场景,那里聚集着因地雷爆炸而失去肢体的受害者。Makhmalbaf adapts the volatile terrain to his story, such as in a harrowing and memorable scene set in a medical camp populated by limbless mine explosion victims.

瞎子、驼背、小儿麻痹、缺手缺脚等身体有缺陷的人好可怜。Physical disability can be seen, so the disabled, such as the blinder, the humpback, the people of poliomyelitis, and the people of limbless , were felt miserable.

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大凡身体上的残障,我们的眼睛都能看得见。我们觉得瞎子、驼背、小儿麻痹、缺手缺脚者好可怜。Physical disabilities can be seen, so the disabled, such as the blinder, the humpback, the people of poliomyelitis, and the people of limbless , were felt miserable.

这些无翼爬行动物一开始为什么要飞还不得而知,不过其他动物滑行无非是为了行动更省力,捕捉猎物或逃避追捕。Exactly why these limbless reptiles take to the air in the first place is not known, but their fellow gliders do so to travel more efficiently, pursue prey or evade predation.

那个无腿无臂的女人在水池面上飘浮着,健康女人的倒影和她的同伴都浸没在水中,渲染成没有手脚的样子,并且面向观众。The armless and legless woman floating on the surface of the pool, whether the reflection of the nondisabled woman or her twin rendered limbless by immersion in water, faces the beholder.

这位泰雷西亚人和人类相处时,仍有些不自在,而外星哨兵们也尚未完全接受他,不过经常能看到他同雷、鲍丹、缇尔、没手没脚的海顿人维特和莎娜在一起。Still a bit uncomfortable with the Humans and not yet fully accepted by the XTs, the Tiresian was often found in the company of Rem, Baldan, Teal, and the limbless Haydonites, Veidt and Sarna.