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此法也适用去除鸡笼中的臭味。And it is also used to deodorize the coop.

用于冰箱的除臭与食品保鲜。Deodorize the air inside refrigerator and freshen the foods stored.

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这种方法对清洗血渍也十分有效,同时还可以去除衣服上的异味。This is also quite effective for removing blood and it helps to deodorize smelly clothes.

醋和热苏打水的混合物是最有效的用来疏通和防止排水沟生臭的方法之一。The combination of vinegar and baking soda is one of the most effective ways to unclog and deodorize drains.

结论发酵对海蛇的生药学特征影响不大,采用发酵去除海蛇腥味具有一定的可行性。Conclusion Fermentation can slightly affect sea snakes. It is feasible to deodorize sea snake by fermentation.

我目前使用的芳疗配方,不但不会加重他的皮肤症状,还会舒缓他的皮肤搔痒。Now I am using some interesting personal blending as shampoo. It soothes his itchness works out really fine to clean and deodorize.

这个意外让一位组员回电说,加热是生产商用来防止生油变臭的,是精制过程的一个环节。This surprise led one panelist to recall that heating is part of the refining process that manufacturers use to deodorize raw oils.

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炼厂污水处理场恶臭气体污染环境和人们的嗅觉,利用吸附剂可以对恶臭气体进行吸附脱臭。Stink gases in sewage farm of oil refinery pollute environment and influence scent of people. Adsorbents can be used to deodorize the stink gases.

在一块干净的布上滴2到3滴柠檬精油,用这块布来清洁房间,有助于消毒和除臭。Add two to three drops of lemon essential oil onto a cleaning cloth and when you clean around your home with this duster, it will help to disinfect and deodorize your rooms.

它是一种不稳定的具有强漂白性的,有毒的氧化剂,有臭的刺激性的气味,用来除去空气的异味,净化水,处理工业废物和作为漂白剂。It is an unstable, powerfully bleaching, poisonous oxidizing agent with a pungent, irritating odor, used to deodorize air, purify water, treat industrial wastes and as a bleach.

为了祛除并阻止木制家具和亭子上有霉菌生长,可以在水桶里兑2杯白醋、2汤匙液体肥皂和一些热水。To deodorize and inhibit mildew growth on outdoor plastic mesh furniture and patio umbrellas, mix 2 cups white vinegar and 2 tablespoons liquid dish soap in a bucket of hot water.

新工艺用活性炭作为脱色剂,将脱水、脱色、脱臭在温度高于170℃的真空设备中一次完成。Activated carbon is used as decolourant in this refinery process. Three operations are completed in the vacuum unit with activated carbon beyond 170 "C to dewater, decolour and deodorize corn oil."