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叫那些男孩子快走开。Tell those boys to scram.

你可以从我的世界么滚开。You can from my world scram Mody.

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好吧,以后我解释给你听,你现在离我远点。All right, I will explain it to you later on. Now scram.

你可以把这位无聊的人介绍给别人,找个借口后快撤!Introduce the bore to someone else, excuse yourself, and scram.

这一模型将研究从亚燃到超燃的转换。This work models the transition from "ram" to "scram" propulsion.

那么冷却系统不能用拉…他们真的能紧急停堆么?So the coolant system was knocked out, can't they scram the reactor?

为主泵转动惯量的选择、堆保护、行方式等提供了有关设计数据。The paper provides datas for design of major pump, Scram protection and operation.

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为主泵转动惯量的选择、停堆保护、运行方式等提供了有关设计数据。The paper provides datas for design of major pump, Scram protection and operation.

针对上述原因,系统介绍了大亚湾核电站为减少非计划停堆停机事件所采取的管理对策与实践。A through introduction on scram reduction program strategy and good practices in Daya Bay NPP is given.

虽然从莘庄方向驶来的地铁紧急刹车,但老人还是被撞伤了。The subway scram that although sail from Shen village direction, comes, but the old person still was contused.

控制棒的落棒在反应堆控制中是一个十分重要的方面,尤其是落棒时间这个参数。Control rod is a key safety control system for nuclear reactors, with the scram time parameters being crucial to reactor safety.