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一三章程之订定及修改。Enactment and revision of articles.

这个法规的颁布,犹如给我们配备了上方宝剑。The enactment of this regulation gives us discretionary power.

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加快财政转移支付管理条例等的立法进程。Enactment of the Regulations on Managing Transfer Payments will be expedited.

其中,热释放率的设定是基于真实的衣服燃烧实验完成的。In the paper, HRR enactment is based on the true clothing burning experiment.

一部法典化的制定法包括包括所有关于某特定事项的法律规定。A codifying statute involves the enactment of the whole law on a particular subject.

奴隶主们在实施他们政府的法律时都承认了这一点。The slaveholders themselves acknowledge it in the enactment of laws for their government.

指导和组织制定或拟订煤炭行业规范和标准工作。To guide and organize the enactment or formulation of norms and standards for coal sector.

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负责编制全区科学技术发展的中长期规划和年度计划。To undertake the enactment on annual and mid-long term plans of S&T development of the region.

在分析影响MPCP制定的政治因素时,本文从美国民主党与共和党在教育券政策上的不同主张入手。Chapter 2 mainly deals with the factors influencing the enactment of MPCP and the main content of the MPCP.

贸易法委员会秘书处了解到该公约状况的变化后随时增补本页。This page is updated whenever the UNCITRAL Secretariat is informed of changes in enactment of the Model Law.

但是,患有REM睡眠行为障碍的人则不会出现这种状况,从而导致梦呓。However, in patients with REM sleep behavior disorder, this does not occur, resulting in an enactment of dreams.

或许,这也是早就他们这一代人特有的多重人格的社会设定。Probably, this also early the social enactment of special multiple personalities of their people of this generation.

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南方对立法的呼声越来越高,导致了1850年第二项逃奴法案的颁布。The demand from the South for more effective legislation resulted in enactment of a second Fugitive Slave Act in 1850.

生效日期──本条适用于本法颁布之日及其后注册的域名。EFFECTIVE DATE- This subsection shall apply to domain names registered on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.

通过就考试法立法当中的几个基本理论问题的阐述,以期能对考试法的出台和进一步的完善发展有所裨益。This article illustrates several theoretical problems in order to bring benefit to the enactment and perfection of the act.

然而,这项立法已经被今年六月刚通过的刑法第三百五十九条无故取得、更动电磁纪录罪所取代。However, the enactment was replaced by the "unauthorized acquisition und modification" offense under Article 359 in June 2003.

在我国民政福利体系的改革过程中,最引人注目的是低保制度的出台。The enactment of minimum living standard security system is most noticeable in the civil administration welfare system reform.

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仅当团队成员执行某个触发组件特定的流程实施机制时,流程支持才会发挥作用。Process support only kicks in when a team member performs an action that triggers a component-specific process enactment mechanism.

伴随着这个全国性医保法案的颁布所带来的债务爆炸仅会是忧虑。The explosion of debt that is certain to accompany the enactment of this national health care bill can only add to that nervousness.

每个水平表示过程定义和工程制定的不同特性。Each level entails different characteristics for the process definition as well as enactment in an organization or project for each level.