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检查门在筒仓屋顶。Inspection door on silo roof.

SOA会导致“筒仓服务”吗?Will SOA lead to "silo services"?

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稍后我们步行到了一个废弃的筒仓。Later we walked to an abandoned silo.

接受筒仓营销并不奏效。Accepting that silo marketing is ineffective.

此外,该数据竖井还包含失败事件数据。Furthermore, the data silo contains the Failed Event data.

一旦流动通道被排空,料仓中的所有流动就停止了。Once the flow channel has emptied, all flow from the silo stops.

这是威利斯.哈奇养牛用的仓库和竖井。This is the barn and silo used for the cattle raised by Willis Hatch.

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我偶然发现了里边有着一棵树的老青贮窖,这棵树正在向外偷看青贮窖的顶部。I stumbled upon this old silo with a tree just peeking out of the top.

这对饲料厂筒仓项目建设和工艺设计有着积极的借鉴价值。This is useful for reference on constructing silo and designing silos.

几个星期前的一个早晨,烟柱突然消失了,烟囱也哑了。Then, one morning a few weeks ago, the plume was gone, the silo silent.

从我们看来,今天的移动应用有一定的筒仓的效果。From our view, the mobile applications of today have a certain silo effect.

目的探讨用硅塑囊分期修复术治疗腹裂的临床疗效。Objective To investigate the results of staged silo closure for gastroschisis.

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将青贮饲料从贮仓中搬出或搬进需要耗费大量的劳动。Too much heavy labour was involved in getting material in and out of the silo.

每个功能塔所享有的自治权将导致采用竖井方式进行工作。The autonomy each functional tower enjoys lead to the working in a silo approach.

典型的企业具有许多独立、特定于任务的竖井系统。A typical enterprise has an abundance of monolithic, mission-specific, silo systems.

将掺配柜应用到制丝工艺流程中,对改进后的工艺流程进行了测试跟踪。Blending silo was applied in tobacco primary processing and its effects were tested.

讽刺的是,微软经常自称为公司创造筒仓环境。Ironically, Microsoft often get labeled as a company that creates silo environments.

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然后所有的风扇都会打开,将这些文件吹进这个大桶仓。Then all the fans get turned on and then blow all the papers across into this big silo.

但你只能指望打一筒,如果你晓得你是从发射。But you could only expect to hit a silo if you knew exactly where you were launching from.

这人的声音是低沉柔和的咕噜声,就像打开导弹发射舱发出来的声音一样低沉柔和。His voice was a low soft purr, like the low soft purr made by the opening of an ICBM silo.