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没响了。Not anymore.

我今天不弱。I am not weak anymore.

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不用了,我找到了!Not anymore. I found it!

我再也不逃家了。I wasn't outside anymore.

我们不能再这样下去了。We can’t do this anymore.

我再也不能做这些了。I couldn’t do that anymore.

那都不再是我的工作。That’s not my work anymore.

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什么是我们不再需要的?What don't we need anymore?

你不再能够愚弄我。You cannot fool me anymore.

我不想再亡命天涯了。I don't want to run anymore.

以后,再不要把脚搞肿了。Don't hurt your feet anymore.

咱们不要再彼此玩花样。Let's not play games anymore.

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现在谁还会叫乌利亚Nobody's named Uriah anymore.

我是说,何必还跟着我们?。I mean, why follow us anymore?

她绝不再是我的好朋友。She’s so not my friend anymore.

什么也解决不了。and can't deal with it anymore.

没有中我目下现古也很少远足了。I don't hike a whole lot anymore.

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没关系,索菲亚,我没病了。No, Sophie, I`m not sick anymore.

你们都不再是高中生了。You ain't in high school anymore.

他们没看见灵车。They don't see the hearse anymore.