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这只在起飞的时候才发生That happens during takeoff.

请于起飞前一小进到达机场。Please reach the airport an hour before takeoff.

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每一次起飞都可有可无,每一次着陆却非要不可。Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatary.

机郴大雾笼罩著,所以飞机都不能起飞。The airport was fog bound so no aircraft could takeoff.

根据飞行动力学理论,建立了舰载机滑跃起飞数学模型。A dynamics model of ski-jump takeoff on land was established.

◇国庆国庆相亲相近,祖国腾飞人民奋进!Guo Guoqing look similar to the takeoff of the people to forge ahead!

可选的清单飞行前,起飞和降落方式。Selectable checklists for pre-flight, takeoff , approach and landing.

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原因是该飞机在西非起飞后,奈洛比式喷气机喷射迅速下降。The Nairobi-bound jet went down shortly after takeoff in West Africa.

在布尔歇机场,飞机是从不按时间表起飞的,也没有什么飞行日志的记录。The takeoff had been unscheduled, and no flight plan had been logged.

运动员可用一两个标记辅助预跑和起跳。Jumpers may use one or two markers to assist in their runup and takeoff.

它是在起飞滑跑时仍可停住飞机的最后决策点。It is the latest point in the takeoff roll where a stop can be initiated.

借使威胁来自这边,苍蝇起飞前会倾向另一侧。Ifthe threat is from the side, the fly leans the other way before takeoff.

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科技兴厂的战略,使企业有了今天的腾飞。Science and technology strategy, so that enterprises with today's takeoff.

如果威胁来自侧面,那么苍蝇则会将身体倾向另一侧,然后逃离。If the threat is from the side, the fly leans the other way before takeoff.

你是否可以脱掉自己的外衣或者等待他们从你的身上拿走?Should you takeoff your jacket, or wait for them to offer to take it from you?

据“飞之队”推测,飞机起飞后不久,四个油箱就发生了燃料泄露。The team speculated that fuel was vented from four tanks shortly after takeoff.

感觉与那是可比较的飞机在起飞。Aboard the V150, the sensation was comparable to that of an airplane at takeoff.

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在起飞和着陆时不要交叉你的腿或脚踝。Takeoff and landingDon't cross your legs or your ankles at takeoff or on landing.

最近的一次是在2003年,失败的原因是气球在升空之前破掉了。The most recent attempt, in 2003, failed when his balloon ruptured before takeoff.

这是六个星期以来第二起货机起飞时发生坠毁事故。The accident is the second fatal crash of a cargo plane on takeoff within six weeks.