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他们有很多经文。They have lots of scripture.

这是圣经的真经。This is the canon of Scripture.

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这才是圣经上告诉我们的。This is what the Scripture taught.

他指的是犹太教圣经。He's talking about Jewish scripture.

所以他们看希腊语圣经。So they read their scripture in Greek.

他们住在经文的另一边。They live on the other side of scripture.

但犹太人也把它用在解读经文上。But Jews used it also in reading scripture.

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问过之后便会有收获“,圣经如是说。Ask and ye shall you receive", say the Scripture.

原来贝叶经是这个样子啊!Oh, this is how a palm-leaf scripture looks like!

魔鬼也会引证<圣经>来为自己辩护。The devil can cite scripture for his own perpose.

这位剩女所做的就是念了一段经。All the old lady did was quote a scripture to you.

今天这经应验在你们耳中了。Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.

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他可以看做是在与圣经比试。We could see him as actually vying with scripture.

现代大多数人会问“为什么这是圣典?Most modern people say,"Why is this text scripture?

所以他用寓言化的方式去解读经文。And so he interprets allegorically to say scripture.

每一个学派和经典的实义会被揭示出来。The truth of every school and scripture is revealed.

王成日日诵经,总的来说,他是一个虔诚的佛教徒。Every day Wang chanted Buddhist sutras, or scripture.

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我刚才说哪些了?,主教,教义,礼仪,经文。What did I say? Bishops,creeds,liturgy,and scripture.

所以我们要扔掉犹太教圣经“So what we need to do is throw away Jewish scripture."

在整本圣经中,户口普查是一件突出的事。Censuses arc prominent throughout the pages of Scripture.