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我在敦豪国际快递的快递帐号为1234567。My DHL account number is 1234567.

DHL国际快递服务。DHL International Courier Service.

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你知道DHL有提供网上付运服务吗?。Do you know that DHL provides online shipping service?

我们很期待与敦豪一起为我们的业务开发共同努力。We look forward to growing our business together with DHL.

但有时DHL他们会岔开包裹检查,然后自己包装。But sometimes DHL they will diverge parcel inspection, then their own packaging.

我们相信专心才能专业,所以我们一直致力于专心做好每一条“DHL”拉链。For self-absorption to be professional, we are making best to every "DHL" Zipper.

DHL成立于1969年,如今是德国邮政的全资控股公司。DHL founded in 1969, is now the deutsche post wholly-owned and share-controlled company.

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Mok表示,在中国,DHL仍将继续在基础设施、人力和科技方面进行投资.In China, DHL would continue to invest in infrastructure, people and technology, Mok said.

DHL的工作人员扫描包裹上的代码,选择合适的寄送路径。The DHL specialists scan the code on the package and determine the number of the right route.

盗贼可能是攀过一个栅栏到达这批香烟所存放的DHL车间。The cigarettes were stored in a DHL workshop, which the thieves reached by climbing over a fence.

很高兴通知您,我们的回样将于本周末用特快专递给您。We'd like to inform you that our counter sample will be sent to you by DHL by the end of this week.

我们的合作伙伴包括国际知名的马士基,韩进,中远,DHL等。Our cooperative partners include internationally renowned Maersk, Hanjin Transportation, COSCO and DHL.

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如果我正在使用便捷发件系统发送快件,DHL是否可以为我们的新员工提供一个用户培训?。If I'm using EasyShip as my shipment processing solution, can DHL offer me a training session for new employees?

2008年5月16日,DHL全球货运物流武汉分公司与成都分公司合作,将5000千米光纤运送至成都。May 16, 2008, DHL Global Forwarding Wuhan Branch delivered 5000km fiber from Wuhan to Chengdu for disaster relief.

我稍后再通知你送货细节,我一拿到出货文件就马上用DHL快递给你。I'll let you know the shipping details later and I'll send you the shipping documents by DHL as soon as I get them.

星期一,位于德国的敦豪快运宣布裁减在美国的运作规模以及削减9千5百个美国工作。On Monday, German-based shipper DHL announced a reduction in U.S. operations and a cut of about 9, 500 American jobs.

购买商品后由全球速递行DHL运往中国,消费者收到商品需要10天左右。After the purchase of goods shipped by the DHL Global Express Bank of China, consumers receive merchandise for 10 days.

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若海外发件人对进口至中国的货件要求截件改派,请联系发件人所在国DHL提出申请。If the overseas shipper requests for redirection after shipment sent out, please contact your local DHL for the request.

是!本人同意从下期开始以下列电邮地址收取DHL客户专讯电子版,并不再收取该刊物之印刷本。Yes! I would like to receive DHL Bulletin in electronic format through my specified email address from next issue onwards.

DHL全球货运物流北亚太区首席执行官梁启元表示,中国的时装与成衣市场正经历根本性转变。DHL Global Forwarding, CEO North Asia, said Kelvin Leung, China's fashion and clothing market is undergoing fundamental changes.