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松材线虫是一种松树寄生虫。Pine wood nematode is a parasite of pine trees.

此外还研究了苦豆碱对松材线虫运动的影响。In addition, the effects of aloperine on pine wood nematode is studied.

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各消毒处理能提高线虫群落丰富度和均匀度。The soil fumigation can increase the richness and evenness of nematode community.

所以松材线虫的发生和危害与媒介昆虫有密切的关系。So the occurance and damage of the nematode have close relation with insects-media.

松材线虫体表具有一层粘液状多糖物质。Body surface of pine wood nematode is covered with a layer of viscous polysaccharose.

大豆胞囊线虫病是世界大豆产区危害最重的病害之一。Soybean cyst nematode is one of the most serious diseases in the world soybean areas.

展望了B.t。生物杀虫剂在线虫的生物防治中的应用前景。The prospect of nematode biocontrol by B. t. biopesticide was viewed at the same time.

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沃尔巴克氏体细菌广泛传播寄生虫,感染昆虫和线虫。Wolbachia bacteria are widespread parasites, infecting both insects and nematode worms.

花生根结线虫病是我国目前三大植物线虫病之一。Peanut root knot nematode is one of three most important plant nematode diseases nowadays.

昆虫病原线虫是一种有应用潜力的地下害虫生物防治因子。Entomopathogenic nematode is a potential factor for biological control of underground pest.

研究选用了6种常用杀线剂对胡椒根结线虫病进行了田间药效试验。Field experiments were conducted with 6 selected nematicides for pepper root-knot nematode.

茶苗根结线虫病是发展茶叶生产的一大障碍。Tea seedling disease caused by root-knot nematode is a large obstruction in tea production.

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进境木包装松材线虫检验检疫制样方法比较。Comparison of making sample methods for quarantine of pine wood nematode in import wood packing.

本文探讨了连续传代培养中营养对昆虫病原线虫繁殖力及产量的影响。The effects of nutrition on fecundity and yield of nematode in continued culture were evaluated.

栽培番茄是一种易感根结线虫病害的蔬菜作物,每年由此造成的产量损失严重。Cultivated tomatoes are sensitive to root-knot nematode. and the damage caused by the pest is severe.

结果有助于分子生物学方法在海洋线虫分类、多样性和生态学研究中的应用。Our results would help approach to taxonomical and ecological studies of free-living marine nematode.

研究人员喂养身体中注入抗氧化剂的线虫,发现它们不会活得时间更长。The researchers fed nematode worms an infusion of antioxidants and found they didn’t live any longer.

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试验结果表明,石灰氮颗粒剂可较好地控制番茄根结线虫为害。The results showed that CaCN2 was an excellent nematicide for controlling tomato root -knot nematode.

虾池海洋线虫与底栖挠足类丰度比率较高,与人为扰动有关。High abundance ratio between nematode and benthic copepoda at shrimp ponds was related to disturbance.

因为对人体进行该实验是不道德的,研究小组选择了蠕虫。As it would be unethical to experiment on humans, his team used the nematode worm, Caenorhabditis elegans.