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寒以后,医院的病房进行烟熏消毒。The hospital ward is fumigate after the outbreak of typhus.

熏该中心就接到咨询电话30多个。Fumigate the center received more than 30 telephone counselling.

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只有幽兰和蕙芷,芬芳着一个伟大的诗魂。There are only orchids and irises fumigate your great soul of poetry.

如果杂志社有你无法信任的人,是时候让他们消失了。If there's anybody at that magazine you can't trust, it's time to fumigate.

熏质量的好坏依赖于油漆工的技术和认真。Fumigate good or bad depends on the quality of the technical and Painters seriously.

目的通过熏蒸器杀虫实验,研究在北湾蚊虫高密度地区室内快速杀灭蚊虫的方法。Objective To research on the efficacy of the fumigate instrument in high mosquito environment of Beiwan.

辣根精油活性成分AITC对不同的作物种子熏蒸时,其使用浓度有一定的限制。Also good for seed's long-term preservation. 7. There is a top dosage limit for AITC to fumigate different crop seeds.

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把陈醋加热,关上门窗,隔一段时间在房间里熏蒸一次,可有效杀除感冒等病毒。Heat the vinegar, close doors and windows, fumigate in the room from time to time, which can effectively kill the flu virus.

不过人们在晾晒枸杞、银花时,为了使其色泽鲜艳,大都采用硫磺熏蒸。However, when locals dry wolfberry and honeysuckle, they mostly fumigate them with sulfur in order to make them look bright in color.

受天津出入境检验检疫局委派,甲方对乙方的□生活区□货舱实施熏蒸卫生处理。According to arrangement of Tianjin Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, party A will fumigate □living area □cargo holds of party B.

经审查,该男子22日在用于养殖蘑菇的防空洞内使用优氯净和锯末灭菌时产生毒气。Allegedly, on July 22 the man used sodium dichloroisocyanurate and sawdust to fumigate a disused air-raid shelter he planned to use for planting mushrooms.