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那就是整个GDP都无法再投资。The entire GDP cannot be invested.

这相当于喀拉拉邦国内生产总值的一半。This is equal to half Kerala’s GDP.

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国内生产总值上季度增长为9.1%。GDP growth there last quarter was 9.1 percent.

从这个角度上看,同样增大了GDP。From this point of view, it also magnifies GDP.

约等于其GDP的百分之1.7。It is equal to approximately 1.7 per cent of GDP.

2010年江西实现地区生产总值9435亿元。In 2010, Jiangxi’s GDP totaled 943.5 billion yuan.

2010年宁夏生产总值1643亿元。In 2010, Ningxia’s GDP totaled 164.3 billion yuan.

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国内生产总值增长速度按可比价格计算。GDP growth rate is calculated at comparable prices.

其人均GDP是美国的十四分之一。Its GDP per head is one-fourteenth that of America.

这超过了比利时和瑞典两国的国民收入。That is greater than the GDP of Belgium and Sweden.

按预计人口数计算,人均GDP可达20300元。The per capita GDP is expected to reach RMB 20,300.

非也,以元计算的中国GDP仍未改变。Hardly, China's GDP in yuan terms remains unchanged.

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下一个“3000亿俱乐部”会员是谁?Who Is The Next 3000Hundreds Million Club-Mem Of GDP?

你想到的经济一定只是关乎GDP和联邦储备。You may think economics is just about GDP and the Fed.

2010年天津地区生产总值9108.83亿元。In 2008, Tianjin’s GDP has totaled 910.83 billion yuan.

它的人均国内生产总值为欧洲最低的之一。Its per capita GDP remains one of the lowest in Europe.

从现在开始,消费增长必须远远快于GDP增长。From now on, consumption must grow much faster than GDP.

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2010年河北省生产总值20197.1亿元。Hebei's GDP for the year 2010 totaled 2.01971 tillion yuan.

为什么他们非要把咱每年的GDP值报得老高呀?Why did they insist to publish so high GDP value every year.

中国的国内生产毛额预估将在二○四○年前超越美国。China's GDP is expected to surpass that of the U. S. by 2040.