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我能有幸结实全国有名的小说家吗?Is the my ability lucky to fructify national well-known novelist?

钞票缝得这样结实,还缀内衣里,到商场咋往出掏?The bill sew fructify so, underwear in, arrive the market go toward ?

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其树体越冬、开花、座果对气候条件要求严格。Walnut trees pass over the winter, blossom out , fructify under the rigorous weather conditions.

豇豆杂交育种按照传统的方法存在坐果率低的问题。Cowpea crossbreeding has the problem that fructify cation is low auording to the traditional method.

在他的心中也有接触真实的渴望,他也希望拥抱大地并让它结出果实。There is in him a desire to touch reality, to embrace the earth and fructify the field of the world.

笔者认为在职业学校开展创业教育,重在在受教育者心中播下创业的种子,一旦时机成熟,它将生根、开花、结果。It is important to plant the seed of enterprise in the students and when the time is ripe, the seed would root, blossom, and fructify.

适应性广,可在全国大部分地区种植,采收期长,可采3-4茬果,高产量高效益。Strong adaptability, can be planted at most of civil areas, fructify easily, harvest much, can pick 3-4 times, high proceeds & high benefit.

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但其反映各不相同。胡萝卜入锅前是强壮的、结实的,放进开水,它变软了、变弱了。But its reflection is each not same. The carrot goes in to be strong and fructify before the pot, putting into the boiled water, it become soft, become weak.

对贵州省凤冈县西山黄精GAP试验示范基地栽培黄精和多花黄精开花结实情况进行观察。To observe the bloom and fructify the circumstance of Culture Polygonatum on the Experiment and demonstrate Xishan Polygonatum GAP base of Guizhou province Fenggang county.

甚至在注意范围以内的事物,原始的社会风俗也往往抑制人们对心理上毫无结果的特性的观察力和想象力。Even as regards the objects that come within the scope of attention primitive social customs tend to arrest observation and imagination upon qualities which do not fructify in the mind.

砰——结结实实的一拳落在冷凌风的背上,踉跄之下,双手却紧紧的护着怀里的物件,生怕它受到一丁点损伤。Bang-the tie fructify a solid one punch to fall on cold Ling Feng's behind and stumble below, but the hands tightly protect the article of brisket and terror it is ordered by a D injure.