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聪明的小妞。Smart chick.

她是个纯洁的小妞。She is a virgin chick.

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一只小鸡已够母鸡辛忙。One chick keeps a hen busy.

这里有几个小鸡搏命小费。Here are a few chick flick tips.

这只小鸡很快就要长羽毛了。The chick will soon feather out.

在一只黑乌鸦的眼里,它自己的小雏鸦是白色的。To the raven her own chick is white.

今天有三只小鸡出壳。Three of the chick ens hatched today.

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母鸡有一个鸡崽儿,它怎么叫?The hen has a chick. What does it say?

你最喜欢的爱情片是哪部?What's the chick flick you secretly love?

黄鼠狼叼走一只小鸡。A weasel ran off with a chick in its mouth.

那个马子穿那件迷你裙超辣的。That chick is super hot in that mini-skirt.

鸡雏破壳而出来到了这个世界。The chick breaks his way out into the world.

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这是2014年孵化的第一只鸮鹦鹉。This chick is the first Kakapo hatched in 2014.

还记得那个穿着比基尼冲浪的小妞凯特.博斯沃思吗?Kate Bosworth as a cute surfer chick in a bikini?

那只小鸡从土里啄出一条蚯蚓。That chick pecks out an earthworm from the earth.

小鸡被认为是她的第三十五婴儿。The chick is thought to be her thirty-fifth baby.

爱情片太俗﹐都是拍给小姑娘看的电影!They're so cheesy, they're all just chick flicks!

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我试过那个女人,发现她下面好紧。I tried that chick and found she had a tight cockpit.

小鸡电影是没良心的浪漫电影。Chick flicks are romantic movies without a conscience.

这是清蒸仔鸡,这家饭店的特色菜。This is steamed chick. a specialty of this restaurant.