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八重恍然大悟。Eight heavy take a tumble.

骨头碎片和灰尘散落开了。Chips of bone and dirt tumble out.

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你玩锡瓦斯棋的糟糕程度堪比你翻滚。You play cyvasse as badly as you tumble.

他们仓惶盲目地寻找著出路。They tumble blindly as they make their way.

幼儿在学走路时常常跌倒。Babies tumble when they are learning to walk.

你为什么用这么高的门槛?难道你不知道这样容易让人摔倒?Don't you know it can make people tumble down?

它们转圈,翻跟头,在微风中弹跳。They spin and they tumble. They bounce on the breeze.

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父爱是拐杖,让我们在人生中少摔跟头。A father is a walking stick, let us in life less tumble.

假装、羞耻、痛苦、内疚、愤怒——统统从故事里倾倒出来。Pretence, shame, pain, guilt, anger – the stories tumble out.

趁着泪水还未夺眶而出,我眨了眨眼又读了一遍。I blinked and read it once again before tears began to tumble.

当然他也不会在金融市场里瞎搅和。Not for him the rough and tumble of the financial marketplace.

当你学骑自行车时会经常摔倒。When you are learning to ride a bicycle, you often tumble off.

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机洗冷和烘干干低或洗手液和干平。Machine wash cold and tumble dry low or hand wash and dry flat.

只要稍稍一推,那整幢房子就会倒塌下来。It only needed a push and the whole building will come tumble down.

要预测自己会在哪一步跌倒,这样你就不至于摔跟头。Be sure where your next step will fall, so that you will not tumble.

要学会预测自己会在哪一步跌倒,这样你就不会至于摔跟头。Be sure where your next step will fall, wo that you will not tumble.

那人恍然大悟,从此以后再也不到处传播道听途说的消息了。The man took a tumble and never spread the overhead news ever since.

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支流从高地往下流,与平原上的恒河汇合。Ane they tumble from this higher land to meet the Ganges on the plains.

从这些观点来看,莫特显然热情不减。As the ideas tumble out, it is clear that the enthusiasm remains undimmed.

同样的,你可以沿着墙壁进行滚翻以避免遭受借机攻击。Likewise, you could tumble along the wall to avoid attacks of opportunity.