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母鸡咯咯叫。A hen cackles.

母鸡的繁殖?The breed of hen?

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母鸡抱窝了。The hen is sitting.

这只鸡很会生蛋。This hen lays well.

那只母鸡要孵小鸡。That hen wants to sit.

那母鸡要孵蛋。That hen wants to sit.

母鸡整天啄来啄去。The hen pecks all day.

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母鸡孵小鸡。A hen hatches chickens.

一只母鸡在孵小鸡。A hen hovers her chicks.

一只母鸡在孵小鸡。B hen hovers her chicks.

那只母鸡啄食玉米。The hen pecked the corn.

一只母鸡在孵小鸡。The hen rears her brood.

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有只狐狸在鸡窝里!A fox is in the hen house!

买只新母鸡要300卢比。A new hen costs 300 rupees.

一只小鸡已够母鸡辛忙。One chick keeps a hen busy.

母鸡啄食谷粒。The hen pecked at the corn.

母鸡咯咯叫,公鸡喔喔啼。A hen cackles. A cock crows.

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再接着,他可以跑步了。T hen again, he can runt he.

黑鸡照样下白蛋。A black hen lays a white egg.

母鸡正在孵小鸡。The hen is hatching chickens.