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练习灵气你并不需要超出能力范围的天赋。To practice reiki you don't need special paranormal gifts.

特异思维和常态思维只有一墙之隔。There is only a wall distance between paranormal thinking and normal thinking.

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有了这些超常功能不等于参照系变了。Having these paranormal capacities doesn't mean the Reference System has changed.

我们需要知道是否有可能将超自然力量用于军事目的。We needed to know whether it was possible to use paranormal forces for military ends.

翌日早上,众学护仍在议论拔萃的灵异遭遇。The next morning, the protection is still in the discussion highlights the paranormal.

她认为,美军真正发现了利用超自然力的途径。She believed the U.S. Army had genuinely discovered a way of harnessing the paranormal.

如同所有的超自然现象一样,“穿越”现象一直是备受争议的。As with all paranormal phenomena, the objective reality of such experiences is disputed.

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那么就入住这十家最会闹鬼的酒店中的一家,测试一下你对超自然现象的承受力。Then check in to one of these 10 haunted hotels and test your tolerance for the paranormal.

如果参照系被改变后,我们是否就会进入全方位的特异思维状态?。If the Reference System is changed, can we be into the state of all-around paranormal thinking?

与一般的陈词滥调相反,接受超自然理念的人并没有一个特定的标志。Contrary to common stereotypes, there is no single profile of a person who accepts the paranormal.

克莱门斯可能怀疑过上帝的存在,但很容易被超自然的现象所迷惑。Clemens may have had his doubts about the existence of God, but he was a pushover for the paranormal.

名词语法上的超常搭配是名词非范畴化的主要特征。The paranormal collocation in the syntactic plane is the typical feature of the noun decategorization.

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人类内心深处渴望证明反常、灵异的事件。The desire to promote evidence of anomalous and paranormal events as genuine springs from deep human longings.

越狱出监狱,逃离城镇,并渗透到德军总部停止邪恶的操纵。Escape prison, navigate towns, and infiltrate Castle Wolfenstein to stop the Axis'diabolically evil Paranormal Division.

1995年,五角大楼终于证实,他们为美国的国家利益确实研究过特异功能现象。In 1995, the Pentagon finally confirmed that they had indeed investigated paranormal phenomena 'in the national interest'.

要知道,玛格丽特在互联网上可是个传奇人物,就连怀恩都会去各种超自然网页搜索她的生活照。Margaret was an Internet urban legend, and Wayne had researched more than a few sketchy photos on various paranormal sites.

这个传言能永葆活力的一个原因是,它已经被一些心理学和助推其他超自然力量的人们采纳来解释精神力量。One reason this myth has endured is that it has been adopted by psychics and other paranormal pushers to explain psychic powers.

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真正的超常,是建立了超常参照系之后的超常,那时是没有偏执的。Really paranormal is the paranormal after the paranormal Reference System has been established and there is no bias at that time.

将来我们把超常智能运用得熟练了,参照系里慢慢就会打上超常智能的烙印。In future when our paranormal capacities can be used skillfully, the Reference System will be marked by paranormal capacity gradually.

然而,中国的科学家们并没有发现气功师的超自然的力量,反倒发现了一些欺骗的证据。However, scientific investigators of Qigong masters in China have found no evidence of paranormal powers and some evidence of deception.