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我想你会痛饮一两口。Thought you might be needin’ a swig or two.

他用一大口水喝阿斯匹林,但酸涩的药片儿却卡在他的嗓子里。He took a swig at the aspirin and the sour grains stuck in his throat.

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他微笑着喝了一大口,说声谢谢后又回到他的沉默中。He smiled and took a swig. He thanked her and retreated again into his silence.

穆丽尔姨婆咯咯大笑着,又喝了一大口香槟,酒顺着下巴滴滴答答地流下来。She cackled loudly and took another swig of champagne, which dribbled down her chin.

他猛灌一口水,指向东方不远处,一座灰色大山的尖端。He takes a swig of water, then points to a towering outcrop of gray rock just to the east.

“十分抱歉,”一位彬彬有礼的女士开口问道,“我能喝口你的啤酒么?“I’M TERRIBLY sorry,” begins a well-spoken young woman, “but could I have a swig of your beer?

确实,没有什么东西比得上在你杀死某些东西后再痛饮一杯“威士忌中的威士忌”更能刺激你的味蕾。There's nothing quite like killing something to whet the palate for a good swig of "the whiskey among whiskies."

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今天我买了瓶新的漱口水,刷完牙喝了一大口,漱完口吐掉,然后就感觉嘴里好疼。Today, I bought a new bottle of mouth wash. After brushing my teeth, I took a swig of it and spit it out in the sink.

婚丧嫁娶、盖房造屋,以及小孩满月、周岁等红白喜事,都要置席痛饮。Weddings marriage, build a house build houses, as well as one month old child, the age, such as weddings and funerals, I have to buy swig.

俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔·普京和亚美尼亚前总统罗伯特·柯查扬在普金在黑海游览城市索契的度假屋里痛饮。Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and former Armenian President Robert Kocharian take a swig at Putin’s vacation home at Sochi, a resort city on the Black Sea.

我邻座的西伯利亚壮汉喝了一下彩,又喝了一口他带上飞机的威士忌说,“我们飞向炎热的热带啦!”The burly Siberian sitting next to me whoops with delight and takes another swig from the bottle of whisky he'ss brought on board. "We're flying into tropical heat!

超模辛迪·克劳馥和海蒂·克拉姆看来就是深谙此道,她们在每餐之前喝上一大口苹果醋,深信这样有助于保持曼妙身材。The supermodels Cindy Crawford and Heidi Klum seem to be on to it too and have been known to take a swig of vinegar before a meal believing that it helps them to maintain their figures.

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超模辛迪·克劳馥和海蒂·克拉姆看来深谙此道,她们在每餐之前喝上一大口苹果醋,深信有助于曼妙身材。The supermodels Cindy Crawford and Heidi Klum seem to be on to it too and have been known to take a swig of vinegar before a meal, believing that it helps them to maintain their figures.