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我还需要油,以便火葬。I need oil as well, for the pyre.

这个寡妇跳进火葬柴堆。The widow leapt into the funeral pyre.

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新增葬礼柴堆只为它地狱地图图标。Added funeral pyre map icon just for the hell of it.

用于焚尸的汽油越来越成为一个难以解决的问题。Gasoline for the pyre is getting to be a real problem.

火葬灰中的红光在沉静的河边慢慢地熄灭下去。The glow of a funeral pyre slowly dies by the silent river.

一罐子大麦种子被埋于柴火下进行烘焙。A pot of new barley seeds is buried under the pyre for roasting.

那么我就作一个古印度人,在你的火葬堆上自焚。Then I should be an ancient Hindu, and burn myself on your pyre.

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两个狠毒的姐姐和刚生出来的蝎子,被拉到高高的木柴垛上烧死了。The two wicked sisters and the scorpion were burned on a pyre skyhigh.

接着,天打霹雳,柴堆立即化为灰烬。Thunderbolts then fell from the sky and at once reduced the pyre to ashes.

当火开始燃烧她的身体的时候,在她的葬礼周围尽你的可能舞动。When fire starts consuming her body, dance as much as you can around her funeral pyre.

在维斯特洛大陆,坦格利安家族的人都以火葬来给生命画上句号,可是在这儿谁会给她堆起柴堆呢?In Westeros the dead of House Targaryen were given to the flames, but who would light her pyre here?

Jiang-qing的贴身女仆木匏随后把火把放在了庄严的火葬木上燃起火焰。Then Jiang-qing's secret maid, Mu-pao, laid the torch onto the sacred wood and the pyre burst into flames.

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进行撒提的65岁妇女库土·白坐在火化的柴堆上,她死去的丈夫的头放在她的膝盖前。The sixty-five-year, old woman, Kuttu Bai, sat on the funeral pyre with the head of her dead husband on her lap.

夜色中,卢克在恩多的森林卫星上静静举行了火葬,烧掉了曾经包裹过阿纳金残躯的黑色盔甲。Luke burned the dark armor that had encased Anakin's crippled body in a quiet funeral pyre on the forest moon of Endor that night.

迪耐瑟想点燃柴堆火葬儿子法拉默,但实际上那些木柴并没有着火,如果真着火的话甘道夫的马就不会靠近它了。In the scene when Denethor burns Faramir on the pyre, the pyre could not truly be on fire because Gandalf's horse would not go near it.

当时那些曾同她行过邪淫,和享过快乐的地上诸王,看到焚烧她的烟,都要为她流泪哀悼。The kings of the earth who had intercourse with her in their wantonness will weep and mourn over her when they see the smoke of her pyre.

悲伤的声音非常恐怖。一位老年男子把他孩子的尸体放到火葬的柴堆上,尸体用白色塑料袋包裹着。他说我失去了一切。The sound of grief so terrible. An old man brought his son's body wrapped in a white plastic bag to pyre. He says I have lost everything.

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为了解决这个问题,工作人员利用摄像机前的窗玻璃反射真实火焰,这样拍摄出来的效果看上去就像木柴真的着火了一样。To solve this, the crew reflected a real fire onto a pane of glass in front of the camera so that it looks as though the pyre is burning.

现在这是火藏仪式的开始,四位大德在塔周准备所需的燃具。Now the cremation is beginning, with special pujas being performed directly in front of the pyre and also in the four directions, as well.

这样,千家万户平民百姓,簇拥在连接这几座城市的宽阔大道上,都可以一睹这根引线由南向北一路燃去,直到把为希特勒阁下举行火葬的柴火堆点着。Thus millions of people crowding the wide avenues which connect those cities couldwatch the fuse burn its way northward to Herr Hitler's funeral pyre.