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甲三季度增加了质感,摆振肚皮舞。A three-quarter shimmy adds texture to belly dancing.

我想跳舞的时候摇摇摆摆,走路的时候扭来扭去。I want to shimmy when I dance and wiggle when I walk.

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在肚皮舞是一种垂直弹跳摆振摆振。The bouncing shimmy in belly dancing is a vertical shimmy.

所以我们开始摇摆起来,尽情的玩。And so we're gonna shake and shimmy it and have some fun today!

他的眼光看起来好象,好象他知道我不穿衣服是什么样子。He looks as if, as if he knows what I look like without my shimmy !

在乔乔摆动基本上是肚皮舞臀凹凸加权。The choochoo shimmy is basically a weighted hip bump in belly dancing.

然而,液压减摆器的阻尼特性大都是非线性的。However damping property of the hydraulic shimmy damper is mostly non-linear.

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他到达了另一段出气口,攀爬上了天花板上的一条管道。He reaches another grate that allows him to shimmy across a pipe on the ceiling.

该减摆在肚皮舞是一种非常流行的移动,可能需要数年的完善。The shimmy is a very popular move in belly dancing and can take years to perfect.

介绍了三线摆微角度与大角度摆动周期的计算方法。The calculation methods of its shimmy period in small and large angle are presented.

学习如何做乔乔摆振动时肚皮舞在此免费视频舞蹈课。Learn how to do the Choo Choo shimmy move when belly dancing in this free video dance lesson.

汽车前轮摆振往往被当作故障进行理解和处理。For a long time, automobile front wheels shimmy is treated as fault to comprehend and deal with.

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到墙角处,按下前进并按住动作键。现在按下向右的方向键攀过来。Run to the wall. Now press forward and hold Action to grab on. Now press right to shimmy across!

桨叶平面形状是尖削的,用挥舞铰和摆振铰连接到桨毂上。Flat blade is taper shape, and with waving hinge and shimmy on hinges connected to the propeller hub.

实践落后图8提示从舞蹈总监在这个自由摆动肚皮舞视频。Practice a backward figure-8 shimmy with tips from a dance director in this free belly dancing video.

一旦这些做完了,背对着他,跳狐步舞把衣服从肩膀抖到地板上。Once it’s undone, turn your back on him and shimmy it off your shoulders before dropping it to the floor.

而横拉杆阻尼、悬架阻尼与悬架刚度对摆振的影响很小。And horizontal pulling lever damping, suspension damping and rigidity have very small influence on shimmy.

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然后他用速度和假动作过掉维迪奇,左脚劲射,好在范德萨力保球门不失。A burst of pace and a shimmy later, he was lining up a left foot shot that Van der Sar did well to parry clear.

然后这架飞机将在房子上空悬停,James和剩下的6个海豹队员将降落到房顶。The copter would then hover over the house and James and the remaining six SEALs would shimmy down to the roof.

学习如何做在这个自由舞蹈录像导演从肚皮舞肚皮舞三季度摆动演习。Learn how to do belly dancing three-quarter shimmy drills in this free dance video from a belly dancing director.