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请注意这个词“默认的”。Note this term please " acquiescent ".

爱好音乐的人是心情平和又守法的国民。They are too law-abiding and to acquiescent.

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的确,最终用户可以改变默认的搜索引擎。Really, final user can change acquiescent search engine.

可是当孩子的安全受到威胁时,我们便不应抱着迁就的态度。But when children are at stake we have to rise above that acquiescent mood.

在默认情况下,新标签总是会被自动激活。Below acquiescent circumstance, new label always can be activationed automatically.

他用一个简洁的点头示意接受我的意见,并且用手做了一个轻微的默许动作。He gave me a brief accepting nod. With his hand he made a little acquiescent gesture.

但现在大部分的网站都是默认用户是已经清楚知道自己的需要了。But at present major website is acquiescent user it is already clear know oneself need.

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他怎么搞的,为何他突然间,变得如此谦卑和默默顺从?What happened to him, I mean why does he all of a sudden ? become so humble and acquiescent?

高知人群,办公室政治更复杂,这几乎是大家默认的一个事实。Tellacrowdhigh, office politics is more complex, this is everybody 's acquiescent fact almost.

微软并非没有这样的能力,因为WORD就有修改默认格式的设计。Microsoft is not without such ability, because WORD has, modify the design of acquiescent format.

给用户免费装机,装机后给他设个默认首页就行了。Give an user free outfit chance, an acquiescent home page is set to go to him after outfit machine.

当一个人拥有了别墅,别人会默认他至少有一辆车,有一份很不错的收入。Had villa when a person, others will be acquiescent he has a car at least, have a very good income.

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科学中权威的存在是一个不争的事实,权威的科学成了一个默认的预设。It is a fact that authority exists in science, while authoritative science is an acquiescent presumption.

该软件包括一些默认网站并且您可以添加您自己网站到列表当中。This software includes a few acquiescent websites and you can add you oneself the website arrives among list.

但前两种“标准”只是被业内“默认”,并没有成文的规定。But before two kinds " standard " just by course of study inside " acquiescent ", do not have the regulation of existing writings.

有些项目,广电总局采取了默许的态度,但也有个别地区被广电总局叫停。Some projects, wide report total bureau took acquiescent attitude, but also specific area is made stop by wide report total bureau.

在这个IP下我还挂了个行业门户站,用DEDECMS的程序,而且用的是默认模板。Below this IP I still hanged a station of trade family status, with the program of DEDECMS, and those who use is acquiescent pattern plate.

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另外,我们还了解到,新闻集团死气沉沉、逆来顺受的董事会也大为震惊,已经处于警备状态,紧张程度甚至并不亚于鲁伯特的妻子。What we also know is that a somnolent and acquiescent board has been shocked into a state of alertness that might even rival that of Rupert's wife.

虽然对于用户资料仍处于默认开放的状态,只是通过细节进行完善,如,向用户推荐好友动态在先。Although still be in acquiescent and open position to user data, just undertake perfecting through detail, be like, recommend good friend trends to the user prevenient.