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老大不小的我现在快三十啦!I now adult fast 30!

他们有一个儿子已经成年。They have an adult son.

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它延续至成年。the healthy adult stage.

他就像一个幼稚的成年人。He is like a childish adult.

习惯剔牙好不好?The entire adult teeth good?

之后成年鳗鱼就死在那儿。The adult eels then die there.

妇女是成年女子的通称。Women are known as adult women.

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她喜欢把自己打扮成大人。She likes to dress up as an adult.

通报大人不算告密。Telling an adult is not snitching.

成年人扫盲是个难题。Adult literacy is a global problem.

他们将所有米洛斯男子杀害。They killed the adult Melian males.

他与妻子育有两个儿子,都已成年。He and his wife have two adult sons.

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在我向她解释了我就是大人后。After explaining that I was an adult.

做为一个成年人,却这样哑口无声?Of being an adult and having no voice?

那个年轻人把什么都输掉了。The young adult losted his everything.

这些人认为五千个成年男性We're talking about 5,000 adult males.

完全发育成熟的牛体重可以超过750。Adult cattle can weigh more than 750kg.

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成人后的犯罪率。Adult offenses later on in their lives.

成年后,我又在下巴上留下了痕迹。I further cratered my chin as an adult.

成年中华白海豚拥有一身耀眼的粉红色。The adult Chinese White Dolphin is pink.