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那把刀在月光下闪着凶光。The knife gleamed wickedly in the moonlight.

过着邪恶生活的人不会正直地死赴。He that liveth wickedly can hardly die honestly.

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眼前的男孩笑的更开了,他的双眼恶劣的闪烁着。The boy smiled wider, his eyes flashing wickedly.

他阴险地利用了他们急需要帮助的心情。He wickedly took advantage of their urgent need for hlep.

你们要为神说不义的话吗?为他说诡诈的言语吗?Will ye speak wickedly for God? and talk deceitfully for him?

来点古怪而又恶搞的东西怎么样?Well, what about something wickedly funny and totally offbeat?

船上的炮眼开着,炮口虎视眈眈地向外窥视着。All gun-ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them.

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船上的炮眼都开着,炮口虎视眈眈地向外窥视着。All gun-ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them.

以前,我毁灭了努哈的宗族,他们确是悖逆的民众。So were the People of Noah before them for they wickedly transgressed.

因为我遵守了耶和华的道,未曾作恶离开我的神。For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God.

伯金慢慢靠过来,看到尤索拉窘迫害怕的样子,幸灾乐祸地笑了。Birkin approached, smiling wickedly at seeing Ursula so nonplussed and frightened.

邪恶海盗笑坏透了他们,指着他的弯刀隆重。The evil pirate grinned wickedly down at them, gesturing grandly with his cutlass.

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他诬陷达西先生,还恶毒地编造有关达西全家的谎言。He has falsely accused Mr Darcy, and has lied wickedly about the whole Darcy family.

西底家王打发人带领先知耶利米,进耶和华殿中第三门里见王。My lord the king, these men have acted wickedly in all they have done to Jeremiah the prophet.

罗尔正在以恶作剧的方式讥笑人类急切地要信仰某种东西,甚至是愚蠢的毫无意义的东西。Rall is laughing wickedly at the human urge to believe in something, even in something silly or trivial.

貌似是很低调的科学实验,却引发了众网友的恶搞。Apparents is the low key scientific experiment, actually initiated the numerous net friends to do wickedly.

除了别具一格的黑色幽默之外,他还能够窥探所有其他超能英雄的生活。The character will possess a wickedly twisted sense of humor, and he is expected to peek into the lives of all the heroes.

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人类社会渊远流长的历史,也是一部人类努力地弃恶扬善的历史。Human society deep pool far class long history, is also a humanity abandons diligently raises the friendly history wickedly.

一位失踪很久的兄弟,人们以为他死了,其实一直活着,而且在居心叵测地密谋搞垮主人公。LONG. lost brother, who was presumed dead, was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall.

失踪了很久的兄弟,以为他死了,其实一直活着,而且在邪恶地密谋搞垮主人公。A long-lost brother , who was presumed dead , was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall.