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至夜,果依法而行。To night, if really lawfully and row.

这是一个合法注册商标的公司正准备在日本。It is a lawfully registered mark of the Nikoli Company in Japan.

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允许承运人合法地收取已达成协议的,终止。Allows a carrier to lawfully charge a negotiated, non-tariff rate.

允许承运人合法地收取已达成协议的,非运价本运价。Allows a carrier to lawfully charge a negotiated, non-tariff rate.

意美公司是意美商标的正当持有人,并已停止商标注册。Beauty is meaning n. a. lawfully mark, and have been registered trademarks.

侵害债权人与债务人在法律上构成“不真正连带债务”关系。Creditors and debtors form a kind of relation lawfully called "no real joint debt".

既然她已到了法定的结婚年龄,我看你就没有什么办法能阻止她了。Seeing that she's lawfully old enough to get married, I don't see how you can stop her.

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在过去12个月内你是否在新西兰境内合法居住超过183天?N1 Have you been lawfully present in New Zealand for more than 183 days in the last 12 months?

上海XXX有限公司是根据中国法律合法成立和有效存续的有限责任公司。Shanghai XXX Co. , Ltd is lawfully formed and validly existing by virtue of the laws of China.

任何组织和个人不得妨碍边防检查人员依法执行公务。No organization or individual may obstruct the frontier inspector from lawfully executing his duties.

任何组织和个人不得妨碍边防检查人员依法执行公务。No organization or individual shall obstruct frontier inspectors from lawfully executing their duties.

这位官员说,“无人水下潜航器是合法在南海水域举行军事勘察的。”"The UUV was lawfully conducting a military survey in the waters of the South China Sea, " the official said.

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自营业务必须使用自有资金和依法筹集的资金。A securities company must undertake its self-operated business by using its own capital and lawfully raised funds.

证券公司的自营业务必须使用自有资金和依法筹集的资金。A securities company must undertake its self-operated business by using its own capital and lawfully raised funds.

更远地说,他们也许也会混在某个受警方保护的游行队伍中,用合法的身份掩饰他们丑陋的嘴脸。I might even go so far as to say that, at a rally protected by police, they could lawfully hide their nasty faces.

合同纠纷发生后,才发现该生产商根本没有在政府注册,属于非法经营。Only after dispute, the buyer find that the manufacturer has not registered lawfully and is doing illegal business.

位于北卡罗莱纳州的黑水公司表示,由于所保护的外交车队遭到袭击,其保安员是正当还击。North Carolina-based Blackwater has said its guards reacted lawfully to an attack on the convoy they were protecting.

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他今年早些时候发表声明说,他在公司业务和个人生活中都是依法行事的。In a statement earlier this year, he said he had 'conducted himself lawfully in his business and in his personal life.'

第七十一条财产所有权是指所有人依法对自己的财产享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。Article 71 "Property ownership" means the owner's rights to lawfully possess, use, profit from and dispose of his property.

如果任何人有正当的理由说明他们不能结合,请现在发言,否则就请永远保持安静。If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.