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我怕老鼠。I'm afraid of mice.

那些小老鼠也都爬开了。The mice crept away again.

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家鼠比玄鼠小一些。Mice are smaller than rats.

猫捕食鸟类及老鼠。Cats prey on birds and mice.

神经生长液可增强小鼠的耐力。NGD can raise stamina of mice.

你听到老鼠吱吱叫吗?Can you hear the mice squeaking?

蚊子和老鼠来拜访他们。Mosquitoes and mice visited them.

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杀鼠灵对付老鼠很有效。Warfarin works well to kill mice.

养只抓鼠的猫。只留有用的东西。Keep no more cats that catch mice.

长耳朵的跳鼠长得像老鼠。Long-eared jerboas look like mice.

大老鼠和小老鼠是类似的动物。Rats and mice are similar animals.

老鼠们大为沮丧地告退了。The mice withdrew in great dismay.

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你是说有特异功能的老鼠?You mean mice with special powers?

我们杀灭了厨房的老鼠。We disinfested the kitchen of mice.

泥蚶总蛋白具有良好的抗疲劳作用。GPTG has anti-fatigue effect in mice.

6只小鼠在实验室作了交配。Six mice were bred in the laboratory.

而“夏季”小鼠也按同样分法被一分为二。The summer mice were similarly split.

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有一栋房子被老鼠所盘据。A certain house was overrun with Mice.

四个小老鼠欢蹦着跑回去了。Four little mice went scampering back.

我猜度厨房里有老鼠。I guess there are mice in the kitchen.