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她的傻笑刺激他的神经。Her giggling rasped his nerves.

猫的舌头在我手上舐来舐去。The cat's tongue rasped my hand.

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那军官粗声粗气地发布命令。The officer rasped out an order.

那老头粗声粗气地发出警告。The old man rasped out a warning.

“你要的来了,”他粗声粗气说道。"You had this coming, " he rasped.

瀑布冲磨掉岩石。The waterfall rasped away the rock.

粉笔划过黑板发出刺耳的声音。The chalk rasped across the blackboard.

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在我们家绝不允许做这样的事。Never in our family! ' My mother rasped.

他常常粗声辱骂同学。He often rasped insults to his classmates.

她那高嗓门刺激著病人的神经。Her loud voice rasped on the sick man's nerves.

汽车的喇叭声很刺耳。The sound of the automobile horn rasped on the ear.

桌子的尖角已经锉掉。The sharp corners of the table have been rasped off.

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“哦,上帝。”他迸出来这句话,语气中的痛苦让我听起来觉得舒服。Oh, God, " he rasped out, with a pain that was good to hear."

“没错,”那人用刺耳的声音说,“见到我很高兴吧,邓布利多?”"That's right, " rasped the other. "Pleased to see me, Dumbledore?"

就那次足以让我为他上个月的一命呜呼欢呼了。It was enough to give a cheer last month when he rasped his last sour breath.

他走进洗手间,用粗糙的深褐色香皂细细搓洗墨迹,这香皂像砂纸般打磨着皮肤,正好派此用场。He went to the bathroom and carefully scrubbed the ink away with the gritty dark-brown soap which rasped your skin like sandpaper and was therefore well adapted for this purpose.