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目前仍有一些人失踪。Some are still unaccounted for.

但是有些还是下落不明。But some remained unaccounted for.

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还有5个喷泉领导人下落不明。There are still five fountain-heads unaccounted for.

在短暂的春宵后,女子却忽然下落不明。Spring Night In short, the woman suddenly unaccounted for.

南山陆町就有将近10000人下落不明。One town, Minamisanriku, had about 10,000 people unaccounted for.

命运9荫仁静从这个角度上是下落不明。The fate of the 9 Yum Jen Ging from that point on is unaccounted for.

据NOAA提供资料,约四分之一石油是无法计算的。According to the NOAA, about a quarter of the oil remains unaccounted for.

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之前,含有一家铝制品厂所排放红泥的水坝决口,有毒化学淤泥淹没了三个村庄,致使四人死亡,一百多人受伤,三个人下落不明,数以百计的家庭被疏散。Three people are unaccounted for and hundreds of families have been evacuated

宫城县南三陆町有约1万人仍下落不明。Up to 10,000 people remained unaccounted for in Minamisanriku of Miyagi Prefecture.

这可能是个很小的百分比,有一半的普通重子物质还没有考虑到。Small as the percentage might be, half of the ordinary baryonic matter is unaccounted for.

该州相关部门表示有100多人行踪不明,死亡人数已达到139人。The state says more than 100 people are unaccounted for and the death toll has now risen to 139.

他们还说,仍有40-50位在维景酒店登记入住的房客没有查明去向。They also said that between 40 and 50 guests registered at the Metropark were still unaccounted for.

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警方称,死亡人数可能升至200余人,因大约50人依然下落不明。Police have said the death toll may rise to more than 200, with around 50 people still unaccounted for.

这是谁的?,-没人的来路不明的钱就像是浮在帐簿上的一层油。Whose is it? -No one's. Just money unaccounted for, floating on top of the books like a layer of cream.

并没有进一步的沟通,而金基雄被列在287人的失踪者名单中。There was no further communication and Kim was listed among the 287 people on board still unaccounted for.

但是,三年之后仍然有许多人没有被计算在内,导致真实人数可能更高。But, with a vast number of people still unaccounted for three years later, the death toll might even be higher.

1923年的关东大地震将东京的大部分地区毁于一旦,这次地震的死亡和失踪人数达142807人。Much of Tokyo was destroyed in the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, which left 142,807 people dead or unaccounted for.

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据日本NHK电视台报道,强台风”塔拉斯”已造成日本至少27人死亡,50余人失踪。Powerful Typhoon Talas pummeled Japan leaving at least 27 people dead and more than 50 unaccounted for, NHK reported.

官方提供的死亡人数已增至110,000,另外还有上万人失踪。The official death toll in the Caribbean country has risen to 110, 000, with tens of thousands still unaccounted for.

据日本广播公司NHK报道,港口城市宫城有近10000人下落不明。in the port town of Minamisanriku,nearly 10,000 people were unaccounted for, according to the public broadcaster NHK.